Incorporating JBI Components into Java CAPS

Extending a Repository-Based Project with a JBI Bridge

Before you begin: Ensure that a valid repository-based project exists, including at least one environment, at least one Java Collaboration Definition (JCD), and at least one connectivity map.

  1. Open the repository-based CAPS project.

  2. For each of its environments: Add a new external system of type JBIBRIDGE.

  3. For each of its connectivity maps: Drag a new instance of a JBIBRIDGE component onto the map, connect it to the input of the business logic, and configure the connection appropriately.

  4. Create new deployment profiles that reference the appropriate connectivity maps and environments.

  5. For each newly created deployment profile, automap its components and then build.

Result: You have created an EAR file that contains a JBI hook. Its services are now available for use within JBI projects.