Incorporating JBI Components into Java CAPS

Bidirectional Reuse Scenario C: Using JBI Functionality in a pre-JBI CAPS Project

This scenario takes you through the steps for using JBI functionality, exposed through its WSDLs, in a repository-based CAPS project, using the WSDL OTD to communicate.

Why would I want to learn about this?

If you have JBI-compliant components whose services you want to use in repository-based CAPS projects, or if you want to use BPEL 2.0 in “classic CAPS”, you can use these steps to invoke WSDL-mediated web services from JBI in a repository-based environment.

Overview of Goals

    This scenario takes you through the following goals:

  1. Creating a BPEL 2.0 project and incorporating it as a JBI module in a composite application project

  2. Building and deploying the Composite Application project

  3. Creating a repository-based CAPS project

  4. Accessing the WSDL-mediated JBI web services

  5. Building and deploying the repository-based CAPS project

Creating a BPEL 2.0 Project


ProcedureTo Verb an Object

Before You Begin

Do the needful.

  1. %%%

  2. %%%

Building and Deploying the Composite Application Project


ProcedureTo Verb an Object

Before You Begin

Do the needful.

  1. %%%

  2. %%%

Creating a Repository-Based CAPS project


ProcedureTo Verb an Object

Before You Begin

Do the needful.

  1. %%%

  2. %%%

Accessing WSDL-Mediated JBI Web Services


ProcedureTo Verb an Object

Before You Begin

Do the needful.

  1. %%%

  2. %%%

Building and Deploying the Repository-Based CAPS Project


ProcedureTo Verb an Object

Before You Begin

Do the needful.

  1. %%%

  2. %%%