Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Release Notes

Chapter 1 Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Release Notes

This document provides late-breaking information about Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 (MEP).

MEP is a comprehensive mobility solution that enables offline data access, data synchronization, and secure access to EIS/EAI applications such as Siebel and SAP.

MEP is based entirely upon open standards, including the following:

This document contains the following sections:

Hardware and Software Requirements

This section lists the requirements that must be met before installing the MEP software.

These requirements are in addition to the requirements for the sync database you use (either MySQL or Oracle). Consult the database documentation for information about those requirements. If you use Oracle software for the sync database, it is strongly recommend that you install it on a different system from the one where you install the MEP software. See the Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Installation Guide for more information.

The requirements for MEP are similar to the requirements for Application Server, because the MEP software is deployed on Application Server. Table 1–1 shows these requirements.

Table 1–1 Supported Operating Systems

Operating System 

Minimum Memory 

Recommended Memory 

Minimum Disk Space 

Recommended Disk Space 


Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC, x86) 

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

Java SE 6 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

Java SE 6 

Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows XP Professional 

1 GB 

2 GB 

500 MB free 

1 GB free 

Java SE 6 

Supported Mobile Devices

MEP is supported on all Java ME and GPRS/UMTS enabled mobile devices that support the following specifications:

See Client Device Requirements in Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer’s Guide for Client Applications for details on the supported Java ME specifications.

MEP has been tested with the following mobile client devices:

Before you can install the MEP client software on a Palm Treo device, the device must have the IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on it. You must obtain the J9 JVM from IBM.

A Palm Treo device running the PalmOS software must have a memory card.

Supported EIS/EAI Systems and Databases

MEP has been tested with the Siebel CRM and SAP ERP systems and with the MySQL and Oracle databases.

Configuring the Sun JCA Adapter for SAP

If your EIS/EAI system is SAP, you must download some libraries from SAP and must also configure the Application Server to work with the Sun JCA Adapter for SAP, as described in the following sections:

ProcedureTo Download the SAP Libraries

The SAP Java Connector toolkit (SAP JCo) is a middleware component that enables the Sun JCA Adapter for SAP to communicate directly with SAP. This component is required by the SAP BAPI OTD Wizard, which you use when you develop an Enterprise Connector that accesses a Sun JCA Adapter. (See Accessing a Sun JCA Adapter for an EIS/EAI System in Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer’s Guide for Enterprise Connectors for details.)

You must be a licensed SAP customer in order to gain access to these SAP libraries.

  1. Log in to the SAP site using your authorized login.

  2. Click SAP Java Connector.

  3. In the left-hand menu, click Tools and Services.

  4. Download the SAP JCo archive file for your operating system.

  5. Unzip the archive file into a directory of your choice.

    After you unzip the archive, you will find a JAR file named sapjco.jar. You will also find one or two libraries specific to your operating system (the number varies depending on the version of SAP you are using).

  6. Copy all these files into the Application Server lib directory.

    This directory is as-install/lib, where as-install is the directory where you installed the Application Server.

ProcedureTo Configure the Application Server for the SAP Adapter

You need to create a connector connection pool and a connector resource for the Sun JCA Adapter for SAP, and then set properties for the connector connection pool. On a two-tier MEP installation, this task must be performed on the Enterprise tier (the second tier).

  1. Create the sappool connection pool.

    1. In a browser, go to http://hostname:4848/ and log in to the Application Server Admin Console as admin.

      The default password is adminpass.

      For a single-tier installation, hostname is the name of the system where MEP is installed. For a two-tier installation, hostname is the name of the system where the Enterprise tier (the second tier) is installed.

    2. In the tree view, expand Resources, then Connectors, and then select Connector Connection Pools.

    3. Click New.

      The New Connector Connection Pool panel appears.

    4. Type sappool in the Name field.

    5. Choose sun-sap-adapter from the Resource Adapter drop-down list.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Click Finish.

  2. Create the jcaps/sap connector resource.

    1. In the tree view, expand Resources, then Connectors, and then select Connector Resources.

    2. Click New.

      The New Connector Resource panel appears.

    3. Type jcaps/sap in the JNDI Name field.

    4. Choose sappool from the Pool Name drop-down list.

    5. Click OK.

  3. Modify the settings for the sappool connection pool.

    1. In the tree view, expand CAPS, then expand Connector Connection Pools.

    2. Click sappool.

      If the sappool connector connection pool does not appear in the tree view, expand another node, then expand Connector Connection Pools once again. You should now see sappool.

    3. Specify Client Connection Settings as indicated in the following table.



      Client Connection Mode 

      Choose Automatic if it is not already selected 

      Application Server Hostname 

      The name of your SAP server 

      System Number 

      The system number given you by SAP (often 00) 

      Client Number 

      The client number given you by SAP 


      Your SAP user name 


      Your SAP password 


      The language you use for SAP access 

      System ID 

      The system ID of your SAP installation 

      Use the default values for all other settings.

    4. Click Save.

  4. If you are using a 64–bit JDK, add a JVM setting.

    1. In the tree view, select the Application Server node.

    2. Click the JVM Settings tab, then click the JVM Options sub-tab.

    3. Click Add JVM Option.

    4. In the Value field, type -d64.

    5. Click Save.

    6. Click the Restart Required link.

    7. Click Stop Instance.

    8. Restart the Application Server from the command line:

      as-install/bin/asadmin start-domain mep

Patches and Required Firmware Levels

It is recommended that Solaris 10 (x86, SPARC) users have the “Sun recommended patch cluster” installed. This patch cluster is available under “Recommended and Security Patches” on SunSolve.

Mobile Enterprise Platform Documentation

The Mobile Enterprise Platform documentation set is available at To learn about Mobile Enterprise Platform, refer to the books listed in the following table.

Table 1–2 Books in the Mobile Enterprise Platform Documentation Set

Book Title 


Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Release Notes

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a comprehensive summary of the supported hardware, operating systems, application server, JavaTM Development Kit (JDKTM), databases, and EIS/EAI systems.

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Architectural Overview

Introduction to the architecture of Mobile Enterprise Platform. 

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Installation Guide

Installing the software and its components, and running a simple application to verify that installation succeeded. 

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Deployment Guide

Deployment of applications and application components to Mobile Enterprise Platform. 

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer’s Guide for Client Applications

Creating and implementing Java Platform, Mobile Edition (Java ME platform) applications for Mobile Enterprise Platform that run on mobile devices. 

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer’s Guide for Enterprise Connectors

Creating and implementing Enterprise Connectors for Mobile Enterprise Platform intended to run on Sun Java System Application Server. 

Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Administration Guide

System administration for Mobile Enterprise Platform, focusing on the use of the MEP Administration Console. 

For up-to-the-minute information about MEP from the MEP technical team at Sun, see the Enterprise Mobility Blog at

Related Documentation

When you install MEP, it is deployed to Sun Java SystemApplication Server 9.1 Update 2.

The Application Server documentation set describes deployment planning and system installation. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for Application Server documentation is For an introduction to Application Server, refer to the books in the order in which they are listed in the following table.

Table 1–3 Books in the Application Server Documentation Set

Book Title 


Documentation Center

Application Server documentation topics organized by task and subject. 

Release Notes

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java Development Kit (JDK), and database drivers. 

Quick Start Guide

How to get started with the Application Server product. 

Installation Guide

Installing the software and its components. 

Deployment Planning Guide

Evaluating your system needs and enterprise to ensure that you deploy the Application Server in a manner that best suits your site. General issues and concerns that you must be aware of when deploying the server are also discussed. 

Application Deployment Guide

Deployment of applications and application components to the Application Server. Includes information about deployment descriptors. 

Developer’s Guide

Creating and implementing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications intended to run on the Application Server that follow the open Java standards model for Java EE components and APIs. Includes information about developer tools, security, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules. 

Java EE 5 Tutorial

Using Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop Java EE applications. 

Java WSIT Tutorial

Developing web applications using the Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT). Describes how, when, and why to use the WSIT technologies and the features and options that each technology supports. 

Administration Guide

System administration for the Application Server, including configuration, monitoring, security, resource management, and web services management. 

High Availability Administration Guide

Post-installation configuration and administration instructions for the high-availability database. 

Administration Reference

Editing the Application Server configuration file, domain.xml.

Upgrade and Migration Guide

Upgrading from an older version of Application Server or migrating Java EE applications from competitive application servers. This guide also describes differences between adjacent product releases and configuration options that can result in incompatibility with the product specifications. 

Performance Tuning Guide

Tuning the Application Server to improve performance. 

Troubleshooting Guide

Solving Application Server problems. 

Error Message Reference

Solving Application Server error messages. 

Reference Manual

Utility commands available with the Application Server; written in man page style. Includes the asadmin command line interface.

Known Issues and Bugs

The following known issues and bugs affect the operation of the MEP 1.0 release.

Client MIDlet Disappears on Palm Treo (Windows Mobile)

Problem Summary: When you launch a MIDlet on the Palm Treo with Windows Mobile and the IBM J9 JVM, the client GUI display seems to disappear; it is in the background.

Workaround: To bring the MIDlet to the foreground, close the Windows Mobile file explorer by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner.

Running the BlackBerry Client Sample Applications

The BlackBerry client applications all use the same directory on the filesystem: /home/user/pictures. The files are not removed when you erase a client application. Be aware that files written to the filesystem by the secure client will be visible to the nonsecure client, but will not be readable, since they will be encrypted.

Incorrect SMS User Name or Password Causes IllegalStateException

If you configure an incorrect Username or Password with the SMS tab of the Admin Console, and you try to send an SMS message to all user accounts from the Upload sub-tab of the Provisioning tab, you see a misleading error message in the synchronica.log file that reports an IllegalStateException. It does not mention the incorrect username or password that is the real problem. The error message looks something like this:

ERROR [StandardSendShortMessageUseCase] Send SMS to phone number '+17815551212' with 
short message 'Hello! There is a new MEP client available for download at' has failed: Failed to send text SMS; 
nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: not bound 

Installation of Enterprise Tier Generates Database Warnings

When you install the second tier (the Enterprise tier) of a two-tier MEP installation, two warnings appear near the end of the installation process, as a result of the execution of a deployRar and a deployWar target. The warnings look like this:

Command deploy executed successfully with following warning messages: WARNING:

JDO76614: Deployment encountered SQL Exceptions:
       JDO76609: Got SQLException executing statement "CREATE TABLE DBCREDENTIALS 
VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (USERNAME))": java.sql.SQLException: Table 'dbcredentials' 
already exists

You can safely ignore these warnings.

MySQL Character Set Value Can Cause Installation Errors

If you use MySQL as the MEP Sync database, make sure that the default character set is latin1. A setting of utf8 causes installation errors that look like this:

JDO76614: Deployment encountered SQL Exceptions:
       JDO76609: Got SQLException executing statement "CREATE TABLE PARSTAMPBEAN 
PRIMARY KEY (PARFILE)) ENGINE=InnoDB": java.sql.SQLException: Specified key was too 
long; max key length is 767 bytes
       JDO76609: Got SQLException executing statement "CREATE TABLE PARCOUNTERBEAN 
PRIMARY KEY (COUNTERNAME)) ENGINE=InnoDB": java.sql.SQLException: Specified key was too
long; max key length is 767 bytes

To change the character set, you can restart MySQL with a particular character set, as described in Server Character Set and Collation. On Windows, you can run the MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard to change the character set.

Use of Apache Ant 1.7 Causes Installation to Hang

MEP installation does not work with Apache Ant 1.7 releases. The installer script is designed to use the copy of Ant 1.6.5 that is built into the version of Application Server installed with MEP. You may have a release of Ant 1.7 on your system, but do not set the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to it; otherwise, MEP installation will hang.