Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 Installing Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0

This chapter lists prerequisite software that must already be installed on your system and explains procedures that you must follow to install the Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 server-side software. Chapter 3, Setting Up and Running the MusicDB Sample Application, explains how to set up and run the MusicDB client application to verify that your installation was successful.

The MEP software has been tested with the following operating systems:

Download the MEP installation bundle appropriate for your operating system and the MEP client bundle.

The MEP 1.0 FCS bundle contains the MEP Gateway, Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 2, and Sun JCA Adapters.

The MEP 1.0 FCS client bundle includes the following items:

Before You Begin

Before you install the MEP software, ensure that the following software has already been installed:

In addition, ensure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable has been set.

Installing the MEP Server-Side Software

The following sections explain how to perform two types of installation:

Performing a Single-Tier Installation

    Complete the following steps to install all of the MEP components in a single tier.

  1. If you are installing on a Solaris system, log in as root or use the sudo command.

    Use the sudo command if you are installing on a Linux system.

  2. Unzip the sjsmep-1_0-fcs-<operating_system>.zip installation bundle appropriate for your operating system.

  3. If you are using Oracle, download ojdbc14.jar, the Oracle JDBC driver, from Place this JAR file in the lib subdirectory under the top-level directory where you unzipped the MEP installation bundle.

  4. Change to the directory where you unzipped the installation bundle and type the command to start the installation and run the installer appropriate for your operating system:

    • on Solaris

    • on Linux

    • install-windows.bat on Windows

  5. When you are prompted to select the installation type (single tier, tier1, or tier2), select “1” to perform a single-tier installation.

  6. The first step in the MEP installation process is to install Application Server 9.1 Update 2:

    1. When you are prompted to install the Application Server, type “y”.

    2. When you are prompted to display the Software License, press Enter.

    3. When you are prompted to accept the Software License, type “yes”.

    4. When you are prompted to accept the default location of the installation directory, press Enter. If you want to install the Application Server in another location, type the full path to that directory then press Enter.

    5. If the directory does not exist, type “1” to create the directory or “2” to choose a new directory, then press Enter.

    6. If the installer finds a suitable Java SDK installation, it displays that installation directory as the default. If the default is a valid JDK 6 installation directory, press Enter to accept that installation directory or type the full path name of another JDK 6 installation.

    7. When you are prompted for the admin user name, type the administrator user name or press Enter to accept the default (admin).

    8. When you are prompted for the admin user's password, type the password then reenter it when you are prompted to do so.

    9. When you are prompted to store the username and password in a file in your home directory, press Enter or type “yes”.

    10. When you are prompted to accept or override the initial Application Server port settings (Admin port, HTTP port, HTTPS port), press Enter.

    11. When you are prompted to add the bin directory to the PATH, press Enter or type “yes”.

    12. When you are prompted to enable the Update Center client, press Enter or type “yes”.

    13. If you are prompted to create a Windows service, press Enter or type “no”.

    14. When you are prompted to create a desktop shortcut to the autodeploy directory, press Enter or type “no”.

    15. When you are prompted to upgrade from a previous version of the Application Server, press Enter or type “no”.

    16. When you are prompted to install now, start over, or exit the installation, type “1” to install the Application Server.

    17. When you are prompted, press Enter to exit the installation program that just completed.

  7. The next step in the MEP installation process is to install the MEP software:

    1. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the full path to the Application Server installation directory.

    2. When you are prompted to review the product license, press Enter.

      Press Enter repeatedly as you page through the license.

    3. When you are prompted to accept the license, type “y” or “yes”.

    4. When you are prompted to select the database, type “1” for MySQL or “2” for Oracle, then press Enter.

      If you select Oracle, you must have completed the steps in Configuring Oracle Databases and Database Users for Use with the MEP Software before you can proceed with the installation.

    5. When you are prompted, type the database host name or press Enter to accept the default (localhost).

    6. When you are prompted, type the database access port or press Enter to accept the default.

      The default is 3306 on MySQL and 1521 on Oracle.

    7. When you are prompted, type the database JDBC driver class or press Enter to accept the default.

      The default is mysql.jdbc.Driver on MySQL and oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver on Oracle.

    8. If you selected MySQL, when you are prompted, type the userid of the database administrator account.

      On MySQL, the userid is usually root.

    9. If you selected MySQL, when you are prompted, type the password for the root account (or database administrator account).

      If you are using MySQL, the installer creates all of the necessary databases, users, and tables. No action is needed on your part.

    10. When you are prompted to delete domain1, type “y” or “yes”.

    11. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the name for the new Application Server domain. The default is “mep”.

    12. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the Admin Port for the new domain. The default is “4848”.

    13. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the HTTP port for the new domain. The default is “8080”.

    14. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the HTTPS port for the new domain. The default is “8181”.

    15. When you are prompted, press Enter or type the admin password for the new domain. The default is “syncpass”.

      The installer configures the new domain. No action is needed on your part.

    When the installation completes successfully, the following message is displayed:

    Install was successful

Performing a Two-Tier Installation

Complete the following tasks to perform a two-tier installation, which installs the MEP Gateway engine on the first tier, the Gateway tier, and the other MEP components including the web service endpoint, enterprise connectors, and Sun JCA adapters, on the second tier, the Enterprise tier:

Installing MEP on the Tier 1 System

  1. On the first system, the Gateway tier system, complete steps 1 through 3 in Performing a Single-Tier Installation .

  2. Change to the directory where you unzipped the installation bundle and type the command to start the installation. Type the command that is appropriate for your operating system:

    • on Solaris

    • on Linux

    • installer-windows.bat on Windows

  3. When you are prompted to select the installation type (single tier, tier1, or tier2), select “2” to install tier1 of a two-tier installation.

  4. Perform step 6, installing the Application Server, in Performing a Single-Tier Installation.

  5. Perform steps 7a through 7o in Performing a Single-Tier Installation.

  6. When you are prompted to begin the tier 1 configuration, type “y” and press Enter, then type “y” and press Enter again.

  7. When you are prompted to use an HTTPS connection, type “y” and press Enter or type “n” and press Enter to use an HTTP connection instead.

  8. You are prompted to identify the host name and port number for the endpoint URL to the web service that will be installed on the system in the second tier. The web service uses the Sun JCA adapters configured on the system in the second tier that connects to the back-end system.

    1. When you are prompted for the host name, type the host name of the tier2 system and press Enter.

    2. When you are prompted for the port number, press Enter or type the port number for the tier2 system.

      If are using an HTTPS connection, the default is ”8181”. If are using an HTTP connection, the default is “8080”.

    3. When you are prompted to confirm or correct the endpoint URL, check the URL that is displayed.

      If the correct host name and port number are displayed, press Enter.

      If either the host name or the port number, or both, are incorrect, retype the entire URL using the correct host name and port number, then press Enter.

    When the tier1 installation completes successfully, the following message is displayed:

    Install was successful

Installing MEP on the Tier 2 System

  1. On the second system, the Enterprise tier system, complete steps 1 through 3 in Performing a Single-Tier Installation .

  2. Change to the directory where you unzipped the installation bundle and type the command to start the installation. Type the command that is appropriate for your operating system:

    • on Solaris

    • on Linux

    • installer-windows.bat on Windows

  3. When you are prompted to select the installation type (single tier, tier1, or tier2), select “3” to install tier2 of a two-tier installation.

  4. Perform step 6, installing the Application Server, in Performing a Single-Tier Installation.

  5. Perform steps 7a through 7o in Performing a Single-Tier Installation.

  6. When you are prompted to begin the tier2 installation, type “y” or “yes” and press Enter. You may need to do this twice.

    When the tier2 installation completes successfully, the following message is displayed:


Next Steps

If you installed the MEP software in two tiers and you elected to use an HTTPS connection, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, Establishing Trust, to establish trust between the gateway and enterprise tiers.

After successfully installing the MEP software, and optionally establishing trust between the gateway and enterprise tiers, follow the instructions in Chapter 3, Setting Up and Running the MusicDB Sample Application, to install, deploy, and run the MusicDB client application using the WTK client emulator software. This will verify that your MEP software components are working correctly.

Configuring Oracle Databases and Database Users for Use with the MEP Software

Before you can install and use the MEP software, you must complete the following tasks:

Creating Databases

You need to manually create the gwdb and musicdb databases before you can select Oracle as your database during the MEP installation.

    To create the gwdb and musicdb databases, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) utility.

  2. On the Operations screen, select the Create a Database radio button and click Next.

  3. On the Database Template screen, select the General Purpose radio button and click Next.

  4. On the Database Identification screen, specify “gwdb” in the Global Database Name field and accept the default SID setting, which is also “gwdb”. Click Next.

  5. On the Management Options screen, accept the default settings and click Next.

  6. On the Database Credentials screen, select the Use the Same Password for All Accounts radio button. Type any password, such as gwdb, in the Password and Confirm Password fields, then click Next.

  7. On the Storage Options screen, accept the default settings, then click Next.

  8. On the Database File Locations screen, accept the default settings, then click Next.

  9. On the Recovery Configuration screen, accept the default settings, then click Next.

  10. On the Database Content screen, accept the default settings, then click Next.

  11. On the Initialization Parameters screen, select the Character Sets tab.

  12. Select the radio button labeled “Choose from the list of character sets”, then select UTF8 from the menu. Click Next.

  13. On the Database Storage screen, click Next.

  14. On the Creation Options screen, accept the default setting of Create Database, then click Finish.

  15. On the Confirmation screen, click OK.

    DBCA creates and starts the Oracle database instance and completes the database creation.

  16. Repeat steps 1–15 for the musicdb database, replacing “gwdb” with “musicdb” in step 4 and step 6.

Creating Database Users

You must create a database user for each database.

    To create a user for the musicdb database instance, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in as the Oracle user.

  2. In a terminal window, type the following command:

    setenv ORACLE_SID musicdb
  3. In a terminal window, type the following command:

    sqlplus / as sysdba

    After some messages are displayed, the SQL prompt is displayed.

  4. Type the following command to create musicdbuser:

    SQL> create user musicdbuser identified by musicdbpass;
  5. Type the following command to grant privileges to musicdbuser:

    SQL> grant connect, resource to musicdbuser;
  6. Type the following command to log out of sqlplus:

    SQL> quit

    To create a user for the gwdb database instance, complete the following steps.

  1. In a terminal window, type the following command:

    setenv ORACLE_SID gwdb
  2. In a terminal window, type the following command:

    sqlplus / as sysdba

    After some messages are displayed, the SQL prompt is displayed.

  3. Type the following command to create gwdbuser:

    SQL> create user gwdbuser identified by gwdbpass;
  4. Type the following command to grant privileges to settingsdbuser:

    SQL> grant connect, resource to gwdbuser;
  5. Type the following command to log out of sqlplus:

    SQL> quit

Starting the Oracle Listener

    The lsnrctl utility manages the Oracle listener processes, which enable database applications to connect to specific Oracle database instances through SQLPlus. Refer to your Oracle documentation on how to configure and setup the listener.ora and tnsname.ora configuration files for the lsnrctl utility.

  1. Log in as the Oracle user.

  2. Type the following command to enter the lsnrctl shell:

    $ lsnrctl
  3. Type the following command to start up the listener:

    LNSRCTL> startup
  4. Type the following command to see the status of the listener process:

    LNSRCTL> status
  5. Type the following command to exit the lsnrctl shell:

    LSNRCTL> exit

Connecting to the MEP Databases

    To connect to the gwdb and musicdb databases as the database as gwdbuser and musicdbuser database users, complete the following steps after you start the Oracle listener.

  1. Log in as the Oracle user.

  2. In a terminal window, type the following command to connect to the gwdb database:

    $ sqlplus gwdbuser/gwdbpass@gwdb
  3. Type the following command to connect to the musicdb database:

    $ sqlplus musicdbuser/musicdbpass@musicdb

Uninstalling the MEP 1.0 Software

Complete the following steps to uninstall the Application Server and MEP 1.0 software.

  1. If you are on a system running the Solaris operating system, log in as root or use the sudo command.

    If you are on a Linux system, use the sudo command.

  2. Change to your AS_HOME directory.

  3. Execute the ./uninstall command.

    The Application Server and MEP 1.0 software are both uninstalled.

  4. Drop all tables, databases, and users that were created for MEP.