Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Installation Guide

Configuring the Enterprise Tier to Trust the Gateway Tier

    There is a two-step process to configure trust between the Gateway tier and the Enterprise tier:

  1. On the Gateway tier, export the keystore then copy it to the Enterprise tier.

    1. Change to the config subdirectory in the Gateway tier MEP installation:

      $ cd as-install/domains/domain-dir/config
    2. Export the keystore to a file:

      $ keytool -export
      -keystore keystore.jks
      -alias s1as
      -file tier1_sjsas.cer
      -storepass adminpass
    3. Copy the exported keystore to the config subdirectory in the Enterprise tier MEP installation:

      $ cp tier1_sjsas.cer /net/tier2-hostname/as-install/domains/domain-dir/config

      In this case, as-install is the location where the Application Server has been installed and domain-dir is the name of the MEP domain, usually mep.

  2. On the Enterprise tier, import the keystore from the Gateway tier.

    1. Change to the config subdirectory in the Enterprise tier MEP installation:

      $ cd as-install/domains/domain-dir/config
    2. Import the keystore that was exported from the Gateway tier:

      $ keytool -import
      -keystore cacerts.jks
      -alias tier1_sjsas
      -file tier1_sjsas.cer
      -storepass adminpass
  3. Stop then restart the Application Server on the Enterprise tier to use the new security settings.

    1. Stop the Application Server:

      $ asadmin stop-domain domain-dir
    2. Restart the Application Server:

      $ asadmin start-domain domain-dir