Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer's Guide for Client Applications

ProcedureTo Configure NetBeans IDE for BlackBerry Application Development

  1. Start a text editor and copy the following text into an empty file.

    Note –

    If you installed BlackBerry JDE in a non-default location (for example, not on the C:\ drive), edit the contents of the home property setting for the platform element.

    Make sure that the contents of the preverifycmd property setting for the platform element all appear on one line of the file. The contents are broken up here for readability only.

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE platform PUBLIC '-//NetBeans//DTD J2ME PlatformDefinition 1.0//EN' 
    <platform name="BlackBerry_JDE_421" 
              home="C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.2.1" 
              displayname="BlackBerry JDE 421" 
                            {classpath|-classpath &quot;{classpath}&quot;} 
                            -d &quot;{destdir}&quot; &quot;{srcdir}&quot;" 
              runcmd="cmd /C &quot;cd /D {platformhome}{/}simulator&amp;{device}&quot;" 
              debugcmd="cmd /C &quot;cd /D {platformhome}{/}bin&amp;jdwp&quot;">
        <device name="8800" description="8800">
            <optional name="JSR75" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="File Connection and PIM Optional Packages" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="MMAPI" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="Mobile Media API" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <configuration name="CLDC" version="1.1" 
                           displayname="Connected Limited Device Configuration" 
                           dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="OBEX" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="Object Exchange APIs" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="JSR82" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="WMA" version="1.1" 
                      displayname="Wireless Messaging API" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="JSR179" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="Location Based APIs" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <optional name="JSR177" version="1.0" 
                      displayname="Security and Trust Services APIs" 
                      dependencies="" default="true"/>
            <profile name="MIDP" version="2.0" 
                     displayname="Mobile Information Device Profile" 
                     dependencies="" default="true"/>
  2. Save the file, giving it the name BlackBerry_JDE_421.xml.

  3. Copy the file to the following location in your home directory under C:\Documents and Settings:

  4. If NetBeans IDE is running, stop it.

    You will be prompted to start (or restart) NetBeans IDE in the next task, To Import the SecureMusicDB Sources into NetBeans IDE as a BlackBerry Project.

Next Steps

After you start NetBeans IDE, The Blackberry JDE will appear in the list of platforms when you choose Java Platforms from the Tools menu.