Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Developer's Guide for Enterprise Connectors

The TransactionManager Class

Table 3–7 lists the constructor and methods belonging to the TransactionManager class. This class provides the transaction manager for a business object provider class. It supports methods for starting, stopping, and aborting back-end transactions.

Table 3–7 Class com.sun.mep.connector.api.TransactionManager



public TransactionManager(T bobjectProvider)

Constructor that creates a new TransactionManager for the specified business object provider.

public void abortTransaction()

Rolls back the current transaction on the back-end system. By default, this operation is a no-op. 

public void beginTransaction()

Starts a new transaction on the back-end system. All business object updates, deletes and inserts will be executed in a transaction. By default, this operation is a no-op. 

public void endTransaction()

Ends the current transaction on the back-end system. All business object updates, deletes and inserts will be executed in a transaction. By default, this operation is a no-op. 

public T getBusinessObjectProvider()

Returns the business object manager associated with this transaction manager.