Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Administration Guide

Using the Provisioning Tab

The Provisioning tab allows you to manage provisioning for mobile client applications. You can make client applications available so that users can download them to their mobile devices, and you can upload such applications to the MEP Gateway so that they are available for users to download.

MEP provides a provisioning repository where you can store Provisioning Archive (PAR) files, each of which can contain many bundles. Each bundle represents a mobile client application that can be downloaded.

For details about client provisioning, including information on how to create PAR files, go to and download the J2EE Client Provisioning Reference Implementation (RI). The User's Guide included in this bundle describes how to create PAR files.

This section covers the following topics:

Managing the Provisioning Repository

Use the two panels of the Repository sub-tab to view and manage PAR files and their bundles.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 1–10 shows the Repository sub-tab of the Provisioning tab.

Figure 1–10 Repository Sub-tab of Provisioning Tab

Screen shot of Repository sub-tab of Provisioning tab

Viewing the List of PAR Files

The Repository Contents panel displays a list of the PAR files currently available in the provisioning repository. The list has the following columns:

You can view the contents of these files, and you can remove any or all of these PAR files.

Viewing Bundles in the Provisioning Repository

To view the bundles for a PAR file, click the number in the Bundles column of the Repository Contents subpanel.

A list of bundles appears in the Bundles in PAR N panel for the PAR file whose PAR number is N.

The Bundles list has the following columns:

Displaying an Individual Bundle

To display more information about an individual bundle, click the bundle name link.

The Admin Console window is replaced by a window that displays the information. The display has the following rows:

This page provides a Download button for each bundle. The Download button triggers a provisioning request, which can be used in several ways:

Click Back to return to the Admin Console window.

Removing Bundles from the Repository

To remove one or more bundles from the provisioning repository, use the Repository Contents panel as follows:

The files are removed from the repository, but they remain in the file system from which they were uploaded.

Uploading Files to the Provisioning Repository

Use the Upload sub-tab to place bundles in the provisioning repository and to notify clients that the bundles are available.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 1–11 shows the Upload sub-tab of the Provisioning tab.

Figure 1–11 Upload Sub-tab of Provisioning Tab

Screen shot of Upload sub-tab of Provisioning tab

ProcedureTo Upload a File to the Provisioning Repository

Use the Upload Provisioning Archives panel to upload a PAR file to the provisioning repository.

  1. Type the full path name of a PAR file in the PAR file field, or click Browse to open a file chooser and select the file to upload.

  2. Click Upload PAR File.

    The PAR file appears in the Repository Contents table in the Repository sub-tab.

Next Steps

After you upload a PAR file, you can notify users of its existence by using the SMS Notification panel.

ProcedureTo Send an SMS Notification to Users

Use the SMS Notification panel to send an SMS message to users to notify them of the existence of new bundles.

  1. (Optional) Edit the message in the text field at the top of the panel to make it apply to your specific situation.

    The default text specifies the URL to which PAR files are uploaded.

    Your edited text will appear in the text field the next time you use the Upload tab.

  2. (Optional) If you want the message to be sent automatically whenever a new bundle is uploaded, select the checkbox.

  3. Click the Send SMS button to send the message manually.

Searching the Provisioning Repository

Use the Search sub-tab to search the provisioning repository for MIDP 2.0 bundles, using a variety of search criteria.

You can specify an application name or vendor name, or you can specify one or more keywords that can be used to search the provisioning repository. Keywords correspond to a list of bundle requirements that are defined for all bundles. For example, Bits Per Pixel or Screen Size are common bundle requirements that can be used as keywords.

The Search for Bundles panel contains the following items:

Note –

The Match All and Match Any radio buttons are binary selections. That is, you can choose to search using one selection or the other, but not both.

When you have finished setting up your search criteria, click the Submit Query button to begin your search. The results appear in the Search Results panel.

Figure 1–12 shows the Search sub-tab of the Provisioning tab, with search results.

Figure 1–12 Search Sub-tab of Provisioning Tab

Screen shot of Search sub-tab of Provisioning tab