Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform 1.0 Administration Guide

Configuring Logging on the Enterprise Tier

Use the Logging Configuration panel to configure the level of logging messages that will be sent to the log for the MEP Enterprise tier. You can choose from the levels listed in Table 2–1.

Table 2–1 Log Levels

Log Level 



Displays all messages 


Provides trace information for debugging 


Provides informational messages 


Indicates a potential problem 


Indicates a serious failure 

The Logging Configuration panel displays the path to the log file but does not allow you to change the name or location of this file. The path is mep-domain-dir/ds/log/synchronica.log, where mep-domain-dir is the location of the Application Server domain for the MEP Enterprise tier.

ProcedureTo Configure Logging on the Enterprise Tier

To configure logging, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the desired level of logging from the Log Levels drop-down list.

  2. Click Save.