Developer Guide to the BPEL Designer

Creating a Composite Application Project

A BPEL Module project is not directly deployable. You must first add a BPEL Module project, as a JBI module, to a Composite Application project. You can then deploy the Composite Application project. Deploying the project makes the service assembly available to the application server, thus allowing its service units to run.

Creating Composite Application Projects

The New Project wizard guides you through the steps needed to create a Composite Application project.

ProcedureTo create a new Composite Application project:

  1. Choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N).

  2. In the Categories list, select SOA and in the Projects list, select Composite Application and click Next.

  3. In the Name and Location page, name the project and specify the location of project files.

  4. To set the new Composite Application project as main, leave the Set as Main Project checkbox selected.

  5. Click Finish.

    The new Composite Application project appears in the Projects window. In order to deploy and perform test runs of your business process, add the BPEL Module as a JBI module to the Composite Application project.

Building a BPEL Module Project

When you build a project, the IDE compiles the BPEL source file and packages the BPEL file and web service artifacts, including WSDL and XSD files, into a JAR archive. You should add this project JAR file to a Composite Application project and then deploy it to the JBI server.

Follow this procedure to build a BPEL Module project:

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the BPEL Module project's node and choose Build Project.

    You can also perform a clean build by right-clicking the BPEL Module project's node in the Projects window and choosing Clean and Build Project.

  2. Watch for the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the Output window.

Adding JBI Modules to Composite Application Projects

ProcedureTo add a JBI module to the Composite Application project:

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Composite Application project's node and choose Add JBI Module.

  2. In the Select Project dialog box, select the BPEL Module project folder, make sure that the project's JAR file has appeared in the Project JAR Files list, and click Add Project JAR Files.

    To verify that the BPEL Module has been added as a JBI Module, in the Projects window, expand Composite Application project > JBI Modules. You should see the JAR file of the BPEL Module project.