Developer Guide to the BPEL Designer

Developing the BPEL Process. Working with the Diagram

Getting started with the diagram.

The BPEL Diagram. Operations with Elements on the Diagram

Configuring Element Properties in the Design View

Finding Usages of BPEL Components

Saving Your Changes

The BPEL Diagram. Operations with Elements on the Diagram

The BPEL diagram (BPEL Design View) is the visual representation of the BPEL Process. On the diagram you can author business process by adding and configuring activities. You can also edit existing .bpel files. To open a .bpel file double-click it's name in the Projects window. By default, the process diagram will be open.

In the Design view, you can perform the following operations on elements:

Configuring Element Properties in the Design View

After you add BPEL activities to a diagram, you need to configure them. You can do this using either the Property Editor dialog boxes or the IDE's Properties window. Note that Property Editor dialog boxes are available only for some elements.

To open the Property Editor for an element, do one of the following:

To open the Properties window for an element, right-click the element and choose Properties. The properties for this element are displayed in the standard IDE's Properties window. If the IDE's Properties window is not open, choose Window > Properties from the main menu (Ctrl-Shift-7).

Finding Usages of BPEL Components

For BPEL files, the Find Usages command determines where the following elements are used in the associated .bpel files:

ProcedureTo find usages of a BPEL component:

  1. In the IDE, open the BPEL file (.bpel) you want to work with.

    By default, the IDE opens the Design view for the BPEL file.

  2. In the Design view, select the element for which you want to see usages.

    You can also select the element in the BPEL Logical View of the Navigator window.

  3. Right-click the element either in the Design view or in the Navigator window and choose Find Usages (Alt-F7) from the pop-up menu.

    The IDE opens the XML Usages window in the lower part of the IDE. The first time you invoke the Find Usages function, the window has no tabs. For each consequent query, the IDE adds a Find XML Usages tab that shows the usages of the component you selected.

  4. (Optional) To go to the source for an element and double-click that element in the tree. The right part of the XML Usages windows is a visual representation of element usages throughout the project.

Saving Your Changes

The BPEL Designer synchronizes the Design and Source views as follows:

To save changes in the Design or Source view, choose File > Save or press Ctrl-S.