Developer Guide to the BPEL Designer

ProcedureTo define a variable:

  1. Right-click the Process or Scope element and select Add > Variable.

  2. In the Create New Variable dialog box, name the variable. The name should be unique within this Scope element.

  3. Expand the node corresponding to the type of the new variable and select its type. You have the following options:

    • Built-in Types. Expand the Built-in Types node, select the type's name, and click OK.

    • Message Type. Expand a .wsdl file node, select a message type and click OK.

    • XML Schema. Expand an .xsd file node or a .wsdl file that contains an embedded schema. Expand the Global Complex Type, Global Simple Type, or Global Elements Simple nodes, select the appropriate type, and click OK.

      For your convenience, global types of variables are displayed in bold.

  4. (Optional) Clear the Show Imported Files Only checkbox to view the contents of non-imported WSDL and XML schema files.

  5. Click OK.

    By default, the Create New Variable dialog box only shows those files that have already been referenced in the process. However, the project may contain other WSDL and XSD files which have not yet been imported into the process. If you select a type for the new variable that is defined in a non-imported file, the IDE will automatically add the required import to the BPEL process.

    You can also add variables from the The Navigator Window window. To add a variable, select BPEL Logical View in the Navigator, expand your BPEL Module project's node, right-click the Variables node and choose Add Variable.