Developer Guide to the BPEL Designer

Properties of a BPEL Module Project

You open the Properties dialog box for a BPEL Module project by right-clicking the BPEL Module project's node and choosing Properties. The tree in the left pane shows that you have access to three pages:

The General page allows you to view the path to the folder containing the project's files and view or modify the prefix for the project service engine (such as com.sun.bpelse).

The Project References page displays other BPEL Module projects that are referenced by your BPEL Module project. In this page, you can add and remove projects referenced by the BPEL Module project.

The XML Catalog page displays XML catalog entries used within your BPEL Module project. XML catalogs provide mapping information that maps an external entity in an XML document to the actual location of the document being referenced. In this page, you can remove XML catalog entries from the list of XML catalogs for your BPEL Module project.