Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 2.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Convert a Stand-alone Sun OTP Host to a Clustered Sun OTP Host

  1. Go to https://Sun OTP host:9090, where Sun OTP host is the IP address or the fully qualified name of the provisioning service logical hostname that is already configured during Sun OTP installation.

    The Sun OTP common Single Sign-On login screen appears.

  2. Type the user name and password.

    The user name is otpadmin. The password is the password provided in the password file while setting up the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  3. Click OTP Setup to display the Sun Open Telecommunications Platform utility tasks page.

  4. Convert the Stand-alone Sun OTP host to the Clustered Sun OTP host.

    Note –

    Before performing Step 4, make sure that the Sun OTP Plan settings have the correct value for the privateInterface1 and privateInterface2 variables.

    1. Click Convert.

      The Convert Single to Clustered plan details screen appears.

    2. Click run.

      The Convert Single to Clustered plan run screen appears.

    3. Type the name of the stand-alone Sun OTP host that you want to convert to a clustered Sun OTP host in the target host field.

    4. Click run plan (includes preflight).

  5. Create the database and metaset on the stand-alone OTP host.

    The shared storage should have a minimum of 1.5 gigabytes disk space.

    For example,

    metadb -a -f -c 6 c1t0d0s7

    metaset -s sm-dg -a -h standalonehostname

    metaset -s sm-dg -a /dev/did/rdsk/d6

    metainit -s sm-dg d0 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d6s0

    newfs /dev/md/sm-dg/rdsk/d0

  6. Add the following entry to the /etc/vfstab file.

    /dev/md/sm-dg/dsk/d0 /dev/md/sm-dg/rdsk/d0 /var/js ufs 2 no logging

  7. Change the storage of the Sun OTP system management service and the Sun OTP application provisioning service from local disks to shared disks.

    1. Create temporary mount points and mount the shared volumes onto the temporary mount points.

      Type mkdir /tmp/js

      Type mount /dev/md/sm-dg/dsk/d0 /tmp/js

    2. Bring the otp-system-rg resource group offline.

      clresourcegroup set -p RG_system=false otp-system-rg

      clresourcegroup offline otp-system-rg

    3. Move the Sun OTP system service contents from the local disk to the shared volume.

      mv /var/js/* /tmp/js

      umount /tmp/js

    4. Disable all the resources in the otp-system-rg resource group.

      clresource disable otp-lhn-rs

      clresource disable otp-hasp-rs

      clresource disable otp-nfs-rs

      clresource disable otp-sm-rs

      clresource disable otp-spsra-rs

      clresource disable otp-spsms-rs

    5. Modify the properties of the HAStoragePlus resource.

      clresource set -p FilesystemMountPoints=/var/js otp-hasp-rs

      clresource set -p GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/sm-dg/dsk/d0 otp-hasp-rs

    6. Enable all the resources in the otp-system-rg resource group.

      clresource enable otp-lhn-rs

      clresource enable otp-hasp-rs

      clresource enable otp-nfs-rs

      clresource enable otp-sm-rs

      clresource enable otp-spsra-rs

      clresource enable otp-spsms-rs

    7. Bring the otp-system-rg resource group online.

      clresourcegroup online otp-system-rg

    8. Set the system property of the otp-system-rg resource group to true.

      clresourcegroup set -p RG_system=true otp-system-rg

Next Steps

You can add new hosts to the cluster.