Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 2.0 Administration Guide

Adding Web SSO User

You can add new Web SSO users.

This task creates user accounts for Sun OTP application provisioning service, Sun OTP system management service, and Sun OTP security service with the provided credentials. The timeout value for each user session on server is two hours.

ProcedureTo Create a Role

You need to manually create a user role before assigning the role to the Web SSO user. You need to create a role on all the cluster hosts and on all the zones, if applicable.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the Sun OTP host.

  2. Create a new role account.

    For example, create a role by name ssorole.

    roleadd -s /bin/pfksh -d /export/home/ssorole -K defaultpriv=basic -P "Cluster Management,Web Console Management,Cluster Operation,Sun Cluster Commands,All" ssorole

    Note –

    It is mandatory to add a profile to the role that you create. Else, you will not be able to perform the administration task on a cluster. For more information on the roleadd command, see the roleadd man page.

  3. Change the password for the new role.

    For example

    passwd ssorole

    Enter the new password for the role and confirm the password.

  4. Create a home directory for the role.

    mkdir /export/home/ssorole

    chown ssorole:other /export/home/ssorole

  5. Restart the name service cache daemon for the new role to take effect.

    Perform this step after all the above steps are performed on all the cluster hosts and on all the zones, if applicable.

    svcadm restart system/name-service-cache

ProcedureTo Add Web SSO User Using GUI

Ensure that the resource group otp-security-ds-rg group is online on the first host of the cluster.

  1. Open a browser and log in to the Sun OTP application provisioning service on the Sun OTP provisioning server.

    Go to https://install server:9090 where install server is the IP address or the fully qualified name of the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  2. Type the user name and password.

    The user name is otpadmin. The password is the password provided in the password file while setting up the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  3. Click OTP Setup to display the Sun Open Telecommunications Platform utility tasks page.

  4. Click Add User and click run.

    The SynchronizeWebSSOUsers plan run screen appears.

  5. Type the host name in the target host field.

  6. Type the Web SSO user name in the WebSSO login name field.

  7. Type the password in the WebSSO password field.

  8. Confirm the password in the Retype WebSSO password field.

  9. Type the user role in the User role field.

    You need to manually create a role before assigning it to the Web SSO user.

    If there is no user role, do not specify any value for this field.

  10. Click run plan (includes preflight).

ProcedureTo Add Web SSO User Using the CLI

  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the provisioning server.

  2. Type the following command to add Web SSO user.

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/ssocli add -u ssousername -f oldpasswordfile -c clusterhostset -r role -i

    ssousername is the Web SSO user name.

    oldpasswordfile is the file that contains the old or initial password on the first line.

    clusterhostset is the cluster host set.

    role is the role of the Web SSO user. You need to manuallycreate a role before assigning it to the Web SSO user.

    If there is no user role, do not specify any value for role.

    For example

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/ssocli add -u ssouser -f /tmp/pass -c cl-sso -r manager -i