Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 2.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Harden the Sun OTP Host

Hardening is the process of modifying the Solaris OS configuration to improve a system's security. By using the hardening process, you can close the ports and disable the services that might present a security risk to the system.

Before You Begin

Install the Sun OTP SST Driver

  1. Open a browser and log in to the Sun OTP application provisioning service on the Sun OTP provisioning server.

    Go to the https://install server:9090 where install server is the IP address or the fully qualified name of the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  2. Type the user name and password.

    The user name is otpadmin. The password is the password provided in the password file while setting up the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  3. Click OTP Setup to display the Sun Open Telecommunications Platform utility tasks page.

  4. Click Harden and click run.

    The Harden plan run screen appears.

  5. Type the host name that you want to harden in the target host field.

  6. Click run plan (includes preflight).

    Note –

    The plan does not close the ports and disable the services that are required by the Sun OTP components.

  7. Once the plan completes, reboot the Sun OTP host for hardening to take effect.