Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 2.0 Administration Guide

Upgrading Sun OTP Using Live Upgrade

This section describes the procedure to upgrade Sun OTP using the live upgrade method. It includes both the GUI and CLI procedures, and details about how to prepare the hosts for dual-partition upgrade.

ProcedureTo Prepare Hosts for Live Upgrade

You must perform this procedure before you upgrade Sun Open Telecommunications Platform by using live upgrade.

  1. Create the live upgrade disk partition similar to the root disk.

    For example, prtvtoc -h /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2|fmthard -s "-" /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2

ProcedureTo Transfer Global Devices to a New Root Disk

You must perform this procedure before you upgrade Sun Open Telecommunications Platform using live upgrade.

  1. Log in as root (su - root).

  2. Backup the /etc/vfstab file.

    cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.old

  3. Open the /etc/vfstab file for editing.

  4. Locate the line that corresponds to /global/.device/node@N.

  5. Edit the global device entry as follows:

    1. Change the DID names to the physical names.

    2. Change /dev/did/{r}dsk/dYsZ to /dev/{r}dsk/cNtXdYsZ.

    3. Remove global from the entry.

    The following example shows the name of DID device d3s3, which corresponds to /global/.devices/node@s, changed to its physical device names and the global entry removed.


    /dev/did/dsk/d3s3 /dev/did/rdsk/d3s3 /global/.devices/node@2 ufs 2 no global


    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /global/.devices/node@2 ufs 2 no -

  6. When the /etc/vfstab file is modified on all cluster nodes, run the OTP upgrade plan to upgrade the OS and cluster. See Upgrading Sun OTP Using Standard Upgrade.

  7. After upgrading Sun OTP high availability service and before rebooting to the new boot environment (BE), restore the original /etc/vfstab file on each node of the un-upgraded BE.

    cp /etc/vfstab.old /etc/vfstab

  8. Mount the new Boot Environment (BE).

    lumount sunotp1.1-sunotp2.0 /altroot

  9. Locate the line that corresponds to /global/.devices/node@N and replace the dash (-) at the end of the entry with the word global.

    /dev/dsk/cNtXdYsZ /dev/rdsk/cNtXdYsZ /global/.devices/node@N ufs 2 no global

  10. Unmount the new BE.

    luumount sunotp1.1-sunotp2.0

  11. Check the BE status.


  12. Activate the BE.

    /usr/sbin/luactivate BEname

    BEname is the name of the boot environment variable.

  13. Reboot the system.

    /usr/sbin/init 6

  14. Perform the common steps for all types of upgrade. See Upgrade Remaining Services and Install the Security Service .

ProcedureTo Upgrade Sun OTP Using the GUI

Before You Begin
  1. Open a browser and log in to the Sun OTP application provisioning service on the Sun OTP provisioning server.

    Go to https://install server:9090 where install server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  2. Type the user name and password.

    The user name is otpadmin. The password is the password provided in the password file while setting up the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  3. Click OTP Upgrade in the left panel.

  4. Set up the configuration for upgrade by creating two variable sets.

    Run this plan on all the Sun OTP hosts.

    1. Click Set up Configuration and click run.

    2. Click select from list... corresponding to the /com/sun/OTP/Utilities/OTPConfig directory.

    3. Click create set to create a new variable set.

    4. Type a new variable set name in the Set Name field.

    5. Click the check boxes for the appropriate plan variables for which you want to enter the values.

    6. Type the values for the appropriate plan variables in the text fields. For description about the Sun OTP plan settings and the clustered Sun OTP host plan worksheet, see Appendix A Sun OTP Upgrade Plan Worksheet.

      Note –

      Do not specify the values for the zone-related variables and specify RAW for the spsRAConnectionType variable.

    7. Click save to save the variable set.

    8. Close the select variable setting from list... screen.

    9. Under variable settings, click the drop-down list corresponding to the /com/sun/OTP/Utilities/OTPConfig directory and choose the new variable set.

    10. Click select from list... corresponding to the /com/sun/OTPupgrade/Upgrade directory.

    11. Click create set to create a new variable set.

    12. Type a new variable set name in the Set Name field.

    13. Type the values for the following variables:

      logFile - Path of the log file that would contain the output of upgrade operation. For example, /var/OTP/OTPUpgrade.log.

      upgradeType - live-upgrade.

      BEname - Name of the boot environment.

      diskLayout - Layout of the disk to be used for live upgrade.

      Syntax of diskLayout:


      Information for / (root), swap and /globaldevices is mandatory.



    14. Click save to save the variable set.

    15. Close the select variable setting from list... screen.

    16. Under variable settings, click the drop-down list corresponding to the /com/sun/OTPupgrade/Upgrade directory and choose the new variable set.

    17. Type the host name in the target host field.

    18. Click run plan (includes preflight).

  5. Back up Sun OTP system management data.

    Run this plan only on the first Sun OTP host that is running the Sun OTP system management service.

    1. Click Backup Data and click run.

    2. Type the host name in the target host field.

    3. Click run plan (includes preflight).

  6. Upgrade the operating system.

    Run this plan on all the Sun OTP hosts.

    1. Click Upgrade OS and click run.

    2. Type the host name in the target host field.

    3. Click run plan (includes preflight).

      Wait for the plan completion. The plan is upgraded on the alternate boot disk.

  7. Upgrade Sun OTP high availability service.

    Run this plan on all the Sun OTP hosts.

    1. Click Upgrade HA Services and click run.

    2. Type the host name in the target host field.

    3. Click run plan (includes preflight).

  8. Upgrade the NEP application and the NEP application agent

    If a NFS agent is used as part of the hosted application, upgrade the NFS agent before activating Sun Cluster. You can upgrade the agents later too. For more details on upgrading Sun Cluster, see Chapter 8, Upgrading Sun Cluster Software, in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

    Note –

    The upgrade procedure is specific to the hosted application, and can be automated by NEP's end-to-end upgrade. See the application documentation for instructions.

  9. Activate the new cluster environment.

    Run this step on all the Sun OTP hosts.

    1. Check the boot environment.


    2. Activate the boot environment.

      /usr/sbin/luactivate BEname

      BEname is the name of the boot environment.

    3. Reboot all the Sun OTP hosts.

      /usr/sbin/init 6

  10. Perform the common steps for all the types of upgrade. See Upgrade Remaining Services and Install the Security Service.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Sun OTP Using CLI

Before You Begin
  1. Log in as root (su - root) to the Sun OTP provisioning server.

  2. Copy the input_otp.dat file to a NFS-mounted directory.

    cp /opt/SUNWotp/cli/templates/input_otp.dat /export/

  3. Edit the /export/input_otp.dat file.

    Type the values for each variable. For description about the Sun OTP plan settings and the clustered Sun OTP host plan worksheet, see Appendix A Sun OTP Upgrade Plan Worksheet.

    Note –

    Do not specify the values for the zone-related variables and specify RAW for the spsRAConnectionType variable.

    For each host, specify the values for the following upgrade-related variables.

    h1_UpgradelogFile - Path of the log file that would contain the output of upgrade operation. For example, /var/OTP/OTPUpgrade.log.

    upgradeType - live-upgrade.

    h1_BEname - Name of the boot environment.

    h1_diskLayout - Layout of the disk to be used for live upgrade.

  4. Set up the configuration for upgrade.

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/deploy_otp -u S -f /export/input_otp.dat -o "-P passwordfile"

    passwordfile is the absolute path of the password file. You can create this file in your home directory. The password file must contain a line with a valid password for all Sun OTP components. Password can be 8 to 12 alphanumeric characters. You need to use this password and the user name otpadmin as the access credentials for all Sun OTP components including Web SSO.

  5. Back up the Sun OTP system management data.

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/deploy_otp -u b -f /export/input_otp.dat -o "-B hostname"

    hostname is the first host name that is running the Sun OTP system management service.

  6. Upgrade the operating system.

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/deploy_otp -u P -f /export/input_otp.dat

    Wait for the plan completion. The plan is upgraded on the alternate boot disk.

  7. Upgrade the Sun OTP high availability service.

    /opt/SUNWotp/cli/deploy_otp -u a -f /export/input_otp.dat

  8. Upgrade the NEP application and the NEP application agent

    If a NFS agent is used as part of the hosted application, upgrade the NFS agent before activating Sun Cluster. You can upgrade the agents later too. For more details on upgrading Sun Cluster, see Chapter 8, Upgrading Sun Cluster Software, in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

    Note –

    The upgrade procedure is specific to the hosted application, and can be automated by NEP's end-to-end upgrade. See the application documentation for instructions.

  9. Activate the new cluster environment.

    Run this step on all the Sun OTP hosts.

    1. Check the boot environment.


    2. Activate the boot environment.

      /usr/sbin/luactivate BEname

      BEname is the name of the boot environment.

    3. Reboot all the Sun OTP hosts.

      /usr/sbin/init 6

  10. Perform the common steps for all the types of upgrade. See Upgrade Remaining Services and Install the Security Service.


In case of a live upgrade failure, follow these steps to rollback the OS and Sun OTP availability service.