Oracle Light Weight Availability Collection Tool User Guide

**ATTENTION** Event generation not in chronological order. It can affect availability metrics

The entire message is as follows:

**ATTENTION** Event generation not in chronological order. It can affect 
availability metrics. Sudden fall back in system date may have caused this. Check and 
correct system date. Otherwise, quarantine current datagram to start monitoring 
availability afresh. 

Occurs when the availability events are recorded out-of-sequence in the availability datagram. out-of-sequence events can occur due to sudden fall back in system date (for example, system shutdown today and boots back to a date from last week). In such cases, LWACT detects the sudden shift in time and records the message indicating the exact time when the system fell back in time. The affected system can report incorrect availability metrics.

Action: You can check and correct the system date or quarantine the current datagram to start monitoring the availability of the system afresh. Please note that old availability metrics will be lost during when the datagram is quarantined.