Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 管理指南


  1. 以管理员身份登录到 Portal Server 管理控制台。

  2. 选择“Secure Remote Access”选项卡,然后单击配置文件名称以修改其属性。

  3. 选择“核心”选项卡。

  4. 修改以下属性:

    HTTP 连接

    选中“HTTP 连接”复选框以使网关能够接受非 SSL 连接。

    HTTP 端口

    输入 HTTP 端口号。默认值为 80。

    HTTPS 连接

    选中“HTTPS 连接”复选框以使网关能够接受 SSL 连接。默认情况下,此选项已选中。

    HTTPS 端口

    输入 HTTPS 端口号。默认值为 443。

    注 –

    可使用《Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Command-Line Reference》中的“psadmin set-attribute”(参见《Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Command-Line Reference》)修改以下属性

    /space/PS/portal/bin/psadmin set-attribute -u amadmin -f /space/PS/portal/bin/ps_password -p portal1 -m gateway --gateway-profile profileID -a sunPortalGatewayDomainsAndRulesets -A $entry

    • sunPortalGatewayDefaultDomainAndSubdomains=Default Domains

    • sunPortalGatewayLoggingEnabled=Enable Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEProxyPerSessionLogging=Enable per Session Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEProxyDetailedPerSessionLogging=Enable Detailed per Session Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayNetletLoggingEnabled=Enable Netlet Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEnableMIMEGuessing=Enable MIME Guessing

    • sunPortalGatewayParserToURIMap=Parser to URI Mappings

    • sunPortalGatewayEnableObfuscation=Enable Masking

    • sunPortalGatewayObfuscationSecretKey=Seed String for Masking

    • sunPortalGatewayNotToObscureURIList=URIs not to Mask

    • sunPortalGatewayUseConsistentProtocolForGateway=Make Gateway protocol Same as Original URI Protocol

    • sunPortalGatewayEnableCookieManager=Store External Server Cookies

    • sunPortalGatewayMarkCookiesSecure=Mark Cookies as secure

  5. 从终端窗口中重新启动网关:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance -u amadmin -f passwordfile -N profilename -t gateway