Oracle Light Weight Availability Collection Tool FAQ

Using Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool


What is the default option for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool installer?


Within the STB install, the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool default option is yes.

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Does the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool support command-line arguments?


Yes. The Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool utilities logtime and ltreport support command-line options. Please refer to respective man page of these utilities for more information.

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Are there any pre-requisite packages for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool?


No, there are no pre-requisite packages that need to be installed; however, if the Availability Reports are to be generated at the Oracle backend, then Oracle Explorer Data Collector 6.0 or higher version packages should be installed on the same host.

Similarly, to ensure proper collection of a valid serial number in the availability diagram, it is recommended that SNEEP is installed on the same host. This functional dependency on the recommended packages is automatically resolved when you install the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool from STB.

Please refer to the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool User Guide for further information.

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How do the cause codes work with the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool? When using the Configuration Service Tracker (CST), a user could apply cause codes to multiple systems at once, is this a feature of the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool?


The Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool 3.0 and higher version provides various methods to set cause codes to the outage events:

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Does the upgrade from the Oracle Lightweight availability Collection Tool 2.x to 3.0 or higher version preserve the old availability data?


Yes, upgrade from any Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool 2.1.16 (or greater) will retain the old availability data as long as it is not corrupted. It is recommended that you do a backup of the file prior to upgrading the application.

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How do I obtain support for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool?


To obtain support for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool, go to http://sunsolve.sun.comand search for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool. If you are unable to resolve the problem and have a SunSpectrum support contract, contact the Customer Care Centerand request support for the Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool.

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Can Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool track hostname changes on the installed host?


Yes, Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool 3.1 and higher will detect hostname changes on the monitored host and will update the availability datagram xml with appropriate values.

Note –

Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool will detect such system configuration changes only on a 'boot' event.

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Why do I see negative values in my availability report?


The availability datagram can reflect negative elapsed time and negative availability if the system had undergone a sudden fall back in time. Check the syslog for finding the exact time during which the fall back occurred and correct the system time as required.


How does Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool know about the system serial number that it collects in its availability datagram?


Pre 3.2 versions of Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool packages had a defect in the way in which serial number information was collected from the system. This defect is rectified in the 3.2 release. Oracle Lightweight Availability Collection Tool 3.2 and higher uses the same logic as followed by other STB components while collecting system serial number. This common standard algorithm is reliable and should get proper serial number data from most of the hardware.