Oracle Services Tools Bundle FAQ

About Oracle Services Tools Bundle for Sun Systems


What is Oracle Services Tools Bundle (STB) for Sun Systems?


STB is a bundling of the underlying components, and any applications, packages, libraries, and sub components on which those component applications depend, wrapped with a smart installer. The installer is aware of any installation—order dependencies between the components, along with any interdependencies between them. Further, the installer will be aware of the opt-in or opt-out status of each of its components.

Service Tags (ST) is an important base component for the Sun Microsystems, Inc. product registration. Products first need to be tagged before they can be registered. When Service Tags is installed, it creates a tag for the Solaris operating system. Oracle Explorer Data Collector will create a Service Tag for itself if Service Tags is installed. STB installer is aware of this dependency and will try to install Service Tags prior to Oracle Explorer Data Collector. Oracle Explorer Data Collector collects any Service Tags present on the system for delivery back to Sun. Those Service Tags, when combined with a Sun Online Account name, can be used to create product registrations for both Solaris and Oracle Explorer Data Collector.

STB itself is available in the Sun standard operating system and architecture-specific manner, as a self-extracting installer. The prerequisite XML Libraries are included.

STB 6.0 contains the following components:

STB supports OpenSolaris via a new script This script is aware of the IPS packaging mechanism on OpenSolaris and delivers/install Oracle Explorer Data Collector in IPS form.


Why was the Oracle Services Tools Bundle for Sun Systems created?


The STB was created to bring key Sun serviceability applications together into a single, consolidated, unit for delivery to both customers and field personnel. By bundling these applications together as a unit, any interdependencies between them can be handled by the STB installer.


On what architecture or machines does the Oracle Services Tools Bundle for Sun Systems run?


STB currently runs on Solaris™ SPARC®, OpenSolaris, and Solaris x86 architectures.


Will the installation components vary based on the operating system version in which the Oracle Services Tools Bundle for Sun Systems is installed?


Yes. Components for installation will be decided based on the operating system (OS) version and architecture.


What has changed since the last version of the Oracle Services Tools Bundle for Sun Systems?


STB includes the following updates:


With Oracle Explorer Data Collector download being decommissioned, what will replace it?


STB download will replace Oracle Explorer Data Collector download. Only STB will be available for download.