Project WebSynergy Milestone 3 Release Notes

ViewDesigner Plugin Issues

The theme WAR in the ViewDesigner plugin does not contain the index.html file.


The ViewDesigner plugin adds a static index.html file to the theme WAR so that a web designer can preview the changes that he is making. Any changes to this page will not be reflected on the portal.

The ViewDesigner plugin does not support changes to the portal layout.


If you modify any of the vm files, then the ViewDesigner plugin cannot show a preview of the modifications. You might need to change the vm files in order to change the layout.

The changes that you perform using the ViewDesigner plugin will not be reflected in the Project WebSynergy theme.


Set the value as false in the file and restart Project WebSynergy.

Plugin Installer portlet in Project WebSynergy will not list any plugins.


This happens because Project WebSynergy is based on Liferay portal server version 5.2.0, which is not released yet. So, the plugin repository does not yet contain plugins compatible with Liferay version 5.2.0.