Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Developer's Guide

Using the Workflow Portlet

  1. Login to the Portal Server 7.2 desktop (http://portalmachine:port/portal) with username and password as CPina.

  2. As soon as the user logs in, all the tasks assigned to the user are displayed. The page contains three sections.

    • First section — Search Criteria section, where the user can mention the criteria based on which the tasks have to be filtered and displayed.

    • Second section — Task List section that displays all the tasks that match the search criteria of a user.

    • Third section — Displays the buttons, which are the operations that can performed on any task.

  3. The search criteria section has the following attributes using which the user can filter tasks:

    • Start Date and End date - Filter tasks based on a valid start date and end date.

    • TaskIds - If the user knows the taskids, then the user can enter them in the text area that is separated by commas.

    • UserIds - Filter tasks based on the current owner of the task.

    • Task Status - Filter tasks based on the status of the task. For example, pending or completed.

    • GroupId - Filter tasks based on the group id. For example, Vice President Marketing and so on.

    • Flex String Type - Filter tasks based on a flex string type. For example, flexString1, flexInt1, flexDouble1 and so on.

    • Flex String Value - The value of the flex string type that is selected by the user.

  4. When the user clicks the Search button, tasks are filtered based on the search criteria that the user has entered and displayed in the "Task List" section.

  5. The "Clear" button clears any of the search criteria that the user has entered or selected.

  6. Assume that a new task is allocated to the user "CPina". Then “CPina” can do the following operations on the task that is assigned:

    • EXECUTE - Select the task and click the Execute button. A new page for executing a task is displayed. This page shows the input for the task in a text box and flex string in another text box. The user can update both the text boxes and click the Save button. These values get updated for the task. On executing, the task gets checked out on the name of the logged in user (CPina), who is the current owner of this task. Currently, the task can be executed only once. This is because, on execution, the task is checked out, and a task can be checked out only once by a given user. If the user tries to execute the second time, then "Task Exception" error message will be displayed.

    • COMPLETE - Select the task and click the Complete button. Now, the status of the task is marked as completed. The user has to be the current owner for performing this operation on this task.

    • CHECKIN - Select the task and click the CheckIn button. This operation is opposite of check out. The currently logged in user is not the current owner now. The user has to be the current owner for performing this operation on this task.

    • HISTORY - Select the task and click the History button. On clicking this, the task history is shown in a new JSP. All operations that were performed on the task is displayed. Click the Back button on the task history JSP to come back to the task list page.

    • ESCALATE - Select the task and click the Escalate button. On clicking this, the task gets assigned to the manager of the currently logged in user. The user has to be the current owner for performing this operation on this task.

    • REASSIGN - Select users from the Reassign selected task to drop down, and click the Reassign button, the task gets assigned to these users. The user has to be the current owner for performing this operation on this task.

    • DELETE - Select the task and click the Delete button. On this operation, the task is deleted. The user has to be the current owner for performing this operation on this task.

  7. Pagination support is provided for the Task List. On the first page the Previous link is not displayed. On the last page, the Next link is not displayed. On all the other pages, both the Previous and Next link is displayed.

  8. Any Error messages are displayed in the top of the portlet in red font.

  9. Any confirmation messages are displayed in the top of the page in blue font.

  10. The attributes that can be modified using the portlet preferences are the noOfrecords and the executeJSP. You need to click the edit mode to change the values for the portlet preferences.

  11. All the messages that are displayed are internationalized.