Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Developer's Guide

Deploying the Workflow Portlet an Open Source Portlet Container

You need to deploy the Workflow portlet in order to work with the Wokflow API. This section provides a procedure to explain how to deploy the workflow portlet on Open Source Portlet Container.

ProcedureTo Deploy the Workflow Portlet on Open Source Portlet Container

  1. Download the workflow portlet from the SAW project web site

  2. Extract the workflowPortlet.war into a local directory using the jar -xvf workflowPortlet.war command.

  3. Modify the file in the \workflowPortlet\WEB-INF\classes directory by providing suitable values to the following properties:

    • sawworkflowimplclass = com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow. This means that you are using SAW Workflow implementation class, JCAPSWorkflow.

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.appserverhost = machine name or IP address, where Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite business process is running. For example,

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.iiopserverport = port on which the IIOP lookup for EJB happens. For example, 18002.

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.appserverusername = Administrator user name. For example, Administrator.

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.appserverpassword = Administrator password. For example, xxx.

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.contextfactory = The context factory. For example, com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory.

    • com.sun.saw.impls.jcaps.JCAPSWorkflow.serviceJndi = The JNDI look up name. For example, WorkflowService.

  4. Modify the file in \workflowPortlet\WEB-INF\classes directory by providing appropriate values to the properties. The sample file to deploy on Portlet Container is shown below.

    authenticationRepository = accessManager. Specify the authentication repository that is used.

    Note –

    accessManager is the default value that is provided for authenticationRepository in the file. Only if you want to deploy the .war file using the Open Source Portlet Container, then change the authenticationRepository value to appServer.

  5. Ensure that you have the client stubs (WorkflowServiceClient.jar) generated out of the workflow service, deployed on Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite. Copy this to \workflowPortlet\WEB-INF\lib directory by using the cp WorkflowServiceClient.jar workflowServiceClient-1.0.jar command.

  6. Recreate the .war file using the jar —cvf command.

  7. Deploy the Workflow portlet using the admin tab of the Portlet Server Administration Console.

    To deploy the workflow portlet on Open Source Portlet Container:

    • Create a user under admin-realm of GlassFish V2 or Application Server 9.1, on which the Open Source Portlet Container is running. For example, create a user, CPina in the admin-realm of GlassFish V2.

    • Login to the GlassFish V2 admin.

    • Navigate to Configuration -> Security -> Realms.

    • Click admin-realm and Click Manage Users.

    • Add CPina, group list : asadmin and passowrd as CPina.

    • Access the portlet by typing http://machine:port/portal/dt in a web browser.

    • Log in as user, CPina. The tasks that are assigned to CPina will be displayed on the workflow portlet.

    If it is a web application, then the saw-api-0.6.jar should be in the appropriate classpath. The saw.tld, saw-impl-jcaps-0.6.jar, and WorkflowServiceClient.jar should be bundled with the application.

  8. Modify the jreHome\lib\ file. To do this, update the java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter property. The logging levels can be configured here. For example, INFO, ERROR and so on.

    Note –

    You need not modify the file in the case of OpenPortal. For stand alone Java applications, you need to modify the file to specify the type of format and the level of log.