Sun Glassfish SocialSite Developer's Guide

Chapter 4 SocialSite Host Requirements

The Sun Glassfish SocialSite software is an end-to-end solution that adds social features to existing web applications by providing a server to manage the social graph, as well as a library of social widgets that can be added to an existing web page. There Enterprise Social Server implements the OpenSocial REST APIand the OpenSocial JavaScript API so that existing web applications do not have to be rewritten from scratch to create a social application.

As implemented, the SocialSite software has the following prerequisites in order for a host application to be socially enabled:

Once the prerequisites have been satisfied, a host application can be socially enabled by meeting the following requirements:

Dynamic Web Pages

The SocialSite software is intended to work with dynamic web pages. Dynamic pages can change content on a web page in response to different contexts or conditions (such as by user role):

The SocialSite widgets follow the OpenSocial JavaScript API specification to manage the presentation within a web page by changing the interface behaviors in response to mouse or keyboard actions or at specified timing events.

Authentication Delegation

The OpenSocial specification requires that every user ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and must uniquely identify the user in a container. This standardization is intended to allow for prefixing IDs with a domain name and separator to create globally unique IDs.

The SocialSite server satisfies this requirement by delegating the authority to verify user context to the host application. This means that the SocialSite server does not perform user authentication when there is a request to access the social graph from a widget installed on a user's web page. A host application is responsible for the following:

Refer to the article on the SocialSite security model for more information.

Creating the Authentication Delegation Service

This is an example of what a web application may include as a context delegation service page (socialsite_context.jsp). Although a JSP file is used here, the concepts should directly translate to other page-generation languages (such as PHP):

01: <context>
02:  <viewer>
03:   <user name="<%=request.getRemoteUser()%>" />
04:  </viewer>
05:  <owner>
06:   <user name="<%=request.getRemoteUser()%>" />
07:  </owner>
08: </context>

The sample code returns an XML representation of the identity context for the current user's session. Note that the "context delegation service" is not required to be included within the host application, In this example, it is convenient to include the context delegation service within the host application to leverage a local HttpSession context.

Adding the SocialSite Widgets to the Host Application

Here is an sample of what a host application may include in its source code to add a SocialSite widget (profile.jsp):

01: <html>
02:  <head> 
03:   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
04:   <script type="text/javascript">
05:    socialsite.setContext({
06:      'attributes': {
07:        'ownerId': '${ownerProfile.userId}'
08:      },
09:      'delegate': {
10:        'method': 'GET',
11:        'url': '&lt;%=request.getContextPath()%>/socialsite_context.jsp',
12:        'headers': {
13:          'cookie': document.cookie
14:        }
15:      }
16:    });
17:   <script>
18:  <head>
19:  <body>
20:   <script type="text/javascript">socialsite.addGadget({'spec':''});</script>
21:   <script type="text/javascript">socialsite.addGadgets({'collection':'PROFILE'});</script>
22:  </body>
23: </html

Line 03 

The host application pulls in the necessary JavaScript code from the SocialSite software. 

Lines 04-17 

The host application directs the SocialSite software how to determine user context for the widgets. In the above example, the "delegate" entry tells the Social Server that it should makes its own HTTP GET request to another server-side URL ("socialsite_context.jsp" on the consumer site) to look up context settings. 

Lines 20 and 21 

The host application adds widgets to a page. This can either be done by explicitly referencing a widget's URL (as shown in line 20) or by referencing an identifier that should key into a collection of gadget instances that is known to the SocialSite software (as shown on line 21). 

Creating a Page to Return User Context

The socialsite_context.xml file needs to be to the classpath of the SocialSite Enterprise software to specify the location of the context delegation service in order to assert a user ID. Here is a sample file:


Note that this file contains the URL of the context delegator service that you created. You can add this file to your classpath by copying it to your glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/classes/ directory, which should already contain a file that was added during installation. Restart the GlassFish server to include the changes.