Sun Glassfish SocialSite Developer's Guide

Dashboard Widget

The Dashboard widget provides a common page to access information about users, groups, activities, and message notifications.

Activities Tab

Displayed Information

Filtered list of activities 


List your activities 

List friend's activities 

Go to previous page 

Go to next page 

People Tab

Displayed Information

List of friends 

Filter search for all SocialSite users 

Filter search for all SocialSite users that are considered friends 

Filter search for all SocialSite users belonging to a specified group 


Specify user has no relationship 

Specify user has a contact relationship 

Specify user has a friend relationship 

Send e-mail to a user 

Invite a user to join a group 

Go to previous page 

Go to next page 

Groups Tab

Displayed Information

List of your groups 


Search for SocialSite groups 

Filter search by all SocialSite groups 

Filter search by SocialSite groups that you are a member 

Create group 

Go to previous page 

Go to next page 

Messages Tab

Displayed Information

List of notification messages 


Display received messages 

Display sent messages 

Accept request 

Ignore request 

Go to previous page 

Go to next page 



Height setting 


Width setting