Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release Notes

Chapter 1 Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release Notes Overview

Project WebSynergy is the next-generation web aggregation and presentation platform from SunTM Microsystems. This platform includes developer tools and an enterprise-grade presentation runtime based on Liferay Portal Server, GlassFishTM version 2 or version 3 software, and MySQLTM software.

About These Notes

The Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release Notes contains the most current information about new features available in this release and known issues and limitations. Read this document before using Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 or reporting any bugs.

Release Notes Revision History

This section lists the changes that have been made in these release notes since the Project WebSynergy Milestone 3 release.

Revision Date 


August 2008 

Release of Project WebSynergy Milestone 2 

October 2008 

Release of Project WebSynergy Milestone 3 

December 2008 

Release of Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 

Getting and Installing Project WebSynergy

The Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Getting Started Guide provides information on the download location, platform requirements, installation instructions, and how to use Project WebSynergy.

Related Documentation About Project WebSynergy

The Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 documentation set is available on the Project WebSynergy Document Collection page.

You can also refer the documentation available on the Liferay wiki and OpenPortal documentation web sites.