Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release Notes

Chapter 2 What's New in the Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release

This chapter provides a brief overview of the features that are bundled with Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 release.

Note –

Future commercial releases of Project WebSynergy will offer customized support plans, and additional enterprise integrations (for example, OpenSSO Enterprise, SharePoint, OpenOffice plugin and enhanced security features). For more information, please contact us.

Web Services for Remote Portlets 2.0 Features

Several user interface compatibility changes in the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 2.0 Consumer and Producer administrator portlets. The WSRP 2.0 database changes in this release are:

For more information, visit the WSRP project web site.

Simple API for Workflow Features

Features related to Simple API for Workflow (SAW) are:

For more information, visit the SAW project web site.

Content Management System Features

You can use the Journal tag library available in the Content Management System (CMS) feature to access Web Content from any portlet in Project WebSynergy.

For more information, visit the Content Management System/Mirage project web site.

Project WebSynergy Samples

Default samples are available in Project WebSynergy Milestone 4. A number of users and a community are created and provided basic layouts with default public and private pages to demonstrate Project WebSynergy functions.

To access the samples, go to http://localhost:8080. There are several sample logins available in the form with username as password. The following users are available:

The sample communities that are available to users are:

Portal Coordination Service

The Portal Coordination Service bridges portlet events to portal services. It allows portlets to publish standard JSR 286 portlet events to interact with Project WebSynergy services. The Portal Coordination Service available in the release, bridges to the Project WebSynergy social activity service.

The Roller Weblogger portlet makes use of the Portal Coordination Service to add Roller Weblog posts and edits to the set of social activities. These are summarized in the activities portlet.

Developer Tools for Project WebSynergy

Project WebSynergy provides the following tools for developers to develop and deploy portlet applications.

NetBeans Portal Pack 3.0 Milestone 2 Features

Portal Pack 3.0 Milestone 2 modules support the complete life cycle of portlet application development. Using the Portal Pack modules, you can develop, package, deploy, and test portlet applications for deployment on Project WebSynergy. The new features in the Portal Pack for NetBeans 6.5 IDE are:

For more information, visit the portal pack project web site.

Eclipse Portal Pack Software

The Eclipse Portal Pack provides a set of plugins to help you to develop JSR 168/286 portlets and deploy them on supported portlet containers. For more information, visit the Eclipse Portal Pack project web site.

ViewDesigner Plugin

The ViewDesigner plugin available in this release, enables web designers to design new and customize existing themes, which could then be applied to any portal page. You can download the plugin from the ViewDesigner project web site.

Presence Feature

The Presence infrastructure in Project WebSynergy provides communication mechanisms for a user who logs in to Project WebSynergy. In the Milestone 4 release, the Presence infrastructure displays the online or offline status of a user and the chat communication mechanism, next to wherever the user profile is displayed on Project WebSynergy. Using the Presence infrastructure, developers can enable their widgets on Project WebSynergy with the availability information for a user.

For more information, visit the Presence project web site.