Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Release Notes

Samples Issues

The control panel in Project WebSynergy works only for administrator user and not for the other users.


The control panel in Project WebSynergy does not work for any sample user. However, it works when you log in as an administrator and create a new user.

Project WebSynergy bundled with GlassFish v2 consumes time to contact web site and delays the start-up time of the server.


When you install Project WebSynergy bundled with GlassFish v2 and try to start-up the server, it contacts the web site for loading the index page. If your network connection is slow, then the server will take time to load the index page.

The JIRA portlet throws exception while you setup a JIRA account.


The JIRA portlet throws exception when you click Set up JIRA Login to set up a JIRA account.

You cannot create a private page by navigating to MyPlaces->MyCommunity->PrivatePages.


Log in to Project WebSynergy and navigate to MyPlaces->MyCommunity->PrivatePages. You cannot create a private page, if you click the Edit icon.

When you upload an image with large dimension, then the features that appear within the dimension does not work.


If you upload a new enterprise logo on Project WebSynergy with large dimension (for example, 600*600), then the features that appear within the image dimension does not perform the expected functionality.

The Wall portlet throws exception when you click Write on my wall link.


The Wall portlet throws exception after you post some content and click the Write on my wall link.