Project WebSynergy Milestone 4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo add new Language Support

The WebSynergy evaluation bundle has a file in the GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/classes. When you are using a WebSynergy bundle which is not including samples, you have to create a file. This task describes the process to create a file, and making changes to it to support localization.

  1. Create a temporary folder. In this example, name the folder as test.

    Equivalent step in the command prompt or in the terminal window of a UNIX like OS:

    mkdir /tmp/test

  2. Copy portal-impl.jar to the temp folder.

    portal-impl.jar contains language resource bundles for WebSynergy. This jar file is located under the GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/application/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.

    Equivalent step in the command prompt or in the terminal window of a UNIX like OS:

    cp GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/application/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/lib/portal-impl.jar /tmp/test

  3. Change directory to temp.

    Equivalent step in the command prompt or in the terminal window of SOLARIS or any UNIX like OS:

    cd /tmp/test

  4. Extract the portal-impl.jar file.

    Equivalent step in the command prompt or in the terminal window of a UNIX like OS:

    jar -xvf portal-impl.jar

    After unjar it will have file in the same directory.

  5. Open and copy the locales property from the Languages and Time Zones section.

  6. if does exits in WebSynergy then paste the locales property into it. Otherwise, create a text file (using any text editor) and name it as, and paste the locales property into it.

    Default location of is GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/classes/

  7. Modify the locales to add the new locale at the end. Add new locale in the format of “LanguageCode_CountryCode”.

    See the following links to find language and country codes:

    For example, if you are adding support for Hindi, you need to add hi_IN at the end of locales property as shown below:

  8. Save the file.

  9. Navigate to the content folder and open the file.

    Note –

    A folder named content is created on extracting the portal-impl.jar file using the unjar command.

  10. Translate all the strings you want to localize from temp/test/content/ to the new language.

  11. Rename the translated file to Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties.native.

  12. Run the following commands on the directory which contains the Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties.native file:

    native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties.native Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties

  13. Copy the file (under temp/test), and paste it to GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/classes.

  14. Copy the Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties.native file (under temp/test/content) and the Language-ext_<LanguageCode>.properties files (under temp/test/content), and paste them to GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/websynergy/WEB-INF/classes/content.

  15. Restart GlassFish server.