Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Installation Guide

Starting Your Node Agent

    After the cluster and its instances have been created, you need to start the node agent:

  1. Issue the following command:

    asadmin start-node-agent nodeAgentName
  2. Enter the administrative user name, if prompted:

    Please enter the admin user name>
  3. Enter the administrative password, if prompted:

    Please enter the admin password>
  4. Enter the master password or press the Enter key to accept the default master password:

    Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>

    You should see the following messages:

    Redirecting output to 
    Redirecting application output to 
      /nodeagents/nodeAgentName/agent/logs/ser ver.log
    Command start-node-agent executed successfully.
  5. Start the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Admin Console.

  6. Select the Node Agents item in the navigation tree.

    Your node agent should be shown as running. This procedure will also start up your cluster and its cluster instances.