Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Deployment Guide

ProcedureTo Run the Salesforce Client Application

Run the Salesforce sample application and exercise its capabilities:

  1. Perform a two-way sync to get the contents of your Salesforce database onto your mobile device.

  2. Create a new task on your mobile device.

  3. Perform a two-way sync to update your Salesforce database with the new task.

  4. Go to your Salesforce developer account and verify that the task is in the Salesforce database.

  5. From your Salesforce developer account, edit the new task in the Salesforce database.

  6. Perform a two-way sync to load the edited task onto your mobile device.

  7. Delete the task on your mobile device.

  8. Perform a two-way sync to remove the task from your Salesforce database.

  9. Go to your Salesforce developer account and verify that the task was deleted from the Salesforce database.

  10. Edit a contact on your mobile device.

  11. Perform a two-way sync to update the contact in your Salesforce database with the edited contact from your mobile device.

  12. Go to your Salesforce developer account and verify that the changes were made to the contact.