Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Developer's Guide for Client Applications

The AESSecurityManagerClass

Table 4–1 lists the constructors and methods belonging to the AESSecurityManager class. This class provides a basic AES/CDC implementation of SecurityManager.

128–bit security keys are generated from the pin using MD5 digest. The key is used to reverse a basic pin derivatives algorithm for client authentication. It is also used as the symmetric key for AES/CDC encryption of data at rest on the device.

Table 4–1 Class com.sun.mep.client.api.AESSecurityManager



AESSecurityManager(java.lang.String contextName)

Single-argument constructor. The contextName parameter is used to uniquely store security-related information in the Record Management System (RMS) about this security manager. The context name should be unique across applications and instances of SecurityManager and should be no more than 16 Unicode characters long.

public final byte[] computeKey(java.lang.String pin)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public static final byte[] computeMD5Digest(byte[] dataBytes)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public static final byte[] computeMD5Digest(java.lang.String data)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final byte[] decrypt(byte[] cipherText)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final boolean destroyBusinessObjects(SyncManager mgr)

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final byte[] encrypt(byte[] plainText)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final byte[] getKey()

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final long getMaxQuietPeriod()

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final int getMaxValidationAttempts()

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final long getRemainingQuietTime(SyncManager mgr)

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final int getValidationAttempts()

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final boolean isPinSet()

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public void setKey(byte[] key)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final void setMaxQuietPeriod(long period)

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final void setMaxValidationAttempts(int attempts)

Inherited from The SecurityManager Class.

public final void storeCredentials(java.lang.String secret)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.

public final boolean validatePin(java.lang.String pin)

Inherited from The SecurityManagerBase Class.