Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Developer's Guide for Enterprise Connectors

Deploying and Configuring an ECBO Enterprise Connector

The tasks involved in deploying and configuring an ECBO Enterprise Connector are very similar to the tasks for a JAX-RS Enterprise Connector.

By default, the MusicDB ECBO Enterprise Connector is both deployed and configured in an installed version of Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform. There is no need to redeploy it.

The steps to deploy and configure an ECBO Enterprise Connector are very similar to those in Building, Deploying, and Configuring a JAX-RS Enterprise Connector, with a few exceptions:

To Deploy an Enterprise Connector

You deploy the Enterprise Connector under the Connector Modules node of the Administration Console, not the Web Applications node. An ECBO Enterprise Connector is a resource adapter.

To Create a Connector Connection Pool for the Enterprise Connector

The resource adapter for the connection pool is the Enterprise Connector itself, so select the deployed ECBO Enterprise Connector from the Resource Adapter drop-down list.

To Verify that an Enterprise Connector Is Deployed

Do not perform this task.

To Configure the Enterprise Connector on Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform

In the Local Enterprise Connector Settings panel, the Workspace Name should be the same as the name specified for the workspace element in the resource file for the Enterprise Connector.

In the Local Enterprise Connector Properties panel, do not specify a value for the uri property. Instead, you may specify a value for the business-object-provider property (see the configured MusicDB ECBO Enterprise Connector for an example), but this is not required if you use the Maven plugin to create the Enterprise Connector.