Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Developer's Guide for Enterprise Connectors

Creating an Object Type Definition (OTD)

For information on working with Sun JCA Adapters, see the Designing section of the Java CAPS documentation. Specific sections you will need to look at include the following:

To obtain the NetBeans IDE plugins needed to create an OTD, follow the instructions in Installation of Netbeans Modules. The NetBeansModules referred to in these instructions are part of your Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform installation. In the location where you unzipped the installation bundle, you will find them in the directory sgmp1.1-3.1.39/NetBeansModules. (The Java CAPS documentation states that they are in the directory AdapterPack/NetBeansModules/CommonLib, but for Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform they are in the directory NetBeansModules/commonlib.)

To develop an OTD for your application, follow the instructions appropriate to your EIS/EAI system in Developing OTDs for Application Adapters.

The instructions for adapters supported by Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform are in the following sections:

An Enterprise Connector is a Sun JCA Adapter client application that is not an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component. You may find that you need to create the OTD and develop the Enterprise Connector inside an EJB project. However, you should then remove the Enterprise Connector and OTD from the EJB JAR file and place them in an ordinary JAR file before you place the JAR file in the domains/mep/lib directory for the Enterprise Server. The OTD is generated in a separate JAR file, so it is easy to copy it to another project.

An Enterprise Connector is a Sun JCA Adapter client application that is not an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component. You may find that you need to create the OTD and develop the Enterprise Connector inside an EJB project. However, you should then remove the Enterprise Connector and OTD from the EJB JAR file, repackage the Enterprise Connector in a RAR or WAR (depending on whether it uses the ECBO or JAX-RS API), package the OTD as an ordinary JAR file, and then place the OTD JAR file in the RAR or WAR file.