Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Using the General Tab

The panels in the General tab allow you to perform the following tasks:

Performing Product Registration

When you register your Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform product with Sun, you join a worldwide community of millions of users, and you gain access to support, training, other downloads, and many other services. See for details.

The registration process varies depending on whether you have previously registered with Sun or not.

ProcedureTo Register Using an Existing Sun Account

If you already have a Sun Online Account or a Sun Developer Network account, follow these steps. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. You need to specify the proxy host and port if you access the Internet from behind a firewall.

  1. In the Product Registration panel, select the radio button next to the text “I already have a Sun Online Account or a Sun Developer Network (SDN) Account.”

  2. In the User Name field, type the user name for your account.

  3. In the Password field, type the password for your account.

  4. In the Proxy Host field, type the name of the proxy system through which you access the Internet.

    Type this value if you access the Internet from behind a firewall.

  5. In the Proxy Port field, type the port number through which your proxy system accesses the Internet.

    Type this value if you access the Internet from behind a firewall. The most common port value is 8080.

  6. Click Register.

    A message appears, confirming successful registration.

ProcedureTo Register Using a New Sun Account

If you do not yet have a Sun Online Account or a Sun Developer Network account, follow these steps. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. You need to specify the proxy host and port if you access the Internet from behind a firewall.

  1. In the Product Registration panel, select the radio button next to the text “I don't have a Sun Online Account. Sign me up.”

  2. In the Email Address field, type your email address.

    Your email address will serve as your user name.

  3. In the Password field, type a password for the account.

  4. In the Retype Password field, type the password again.

  5. In the First Name field, type your first name.

  6. In the Last Name field, type your last name (surname).

  7. From the Country/Territory drop-down list, choose your country location.

  8. In the Proxy Host field, type the name of the proxy system through which you access the Internet.

    Type this value if you access the Internet from behind a firewall.

  9. In the Proxy Port field, type the port number through which your proxy system accesses the Internet.

    Type this value if you access the Internet from behind a firewall. The most common port value is 8080.

  10. Click Register.

    A Support page appears.

Changing the Administrator Password

For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the default administrator password (syncpass) to one specific to your own installation.

ProcedureTo Change the Admin Password

In the Change Admin Password panel, follow these steps.

  1. In the Old Password panel, type the current password.

  2. In the New Password field, type the new password.

  3. In the Repeat New Password field, type the new password again.

  4. Click Change Password to confirm the change.

Resetting Synchronization Mappings

The Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform Gateway stores mapping information for each user and device. This information enables the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform Gateway to perform fast syncs (a type of sync in which only the differences since the last sync are exchanged). Use the Reset Synchronization Mappings panel to clear this mapping for all users and all devices. Use this feature when your system is experiencing persistent synchronization problems.

To clear the user information, click the Reset Sync Mappings button.

Caution – Caution –

This button has no confirmation dialog. The reset takes place as soon as you click the button.

After you clear the user information, all users must perform a complete synchronization (a slow sync) of all data in their next session. A slow sync is significantly slower than a normal synchronization session.

You can also reset the synchronization mappings for an individual user. See Using the Users Tab for more information.