Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Creating, Activating, and Deleting Enterprise Connectors

The Usage sub-tab lists all the current Enterprise Connectors. The Active checkbox is selected for all Enterprise Connectors that have been activated. This section describes how to create, activate, or delete either a local or a remote Enterprise Connectors.

ProcedureTo Create and Activate a New Enterprise Connector

In the Local Enterprise Connectors panel or the Remote Enterprise Connectors panel, follow these steps.

  1. In the Name text field, type the name of the Enterprise Connector.

  2. Click Add.

    The new Enterprise Connector appears in the list of repositories. The Active checkbox is selected by default, indicating that the Enterprise Connector has been activated.

    A new sub-tab for the Enterprise Connector appears. You can now configure the new Enterprise Connector.

ProcedureTo Delete an Enterprise Connector

Before you delete a local Enterprise Connector, delete all users associated with the remote Enterprise Connector you want to delete. See Using the Users Tab for details.

In the Local Enterprise Connectors panel or the Enterprise Connectors panel, perform the following action.

  1. Click the Delete button for the Enterprise Connector you want to delete.

    The sub-tab for the deleted Enterprise Connector no longer appears.

ProcedureTo Activate or Deactivate an Existing Enterprise Connector

In the Local Enterprise Connectors panel or the Remote Enterprise Connectors panel, follow these steps.

  1. Select or deselect the Active checkbox for the Enterprise Connector whose status you wish to change.

  2. Click Save to save your changes.