Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Searching the Provisioning Repository

Use the Search sub-tab to search the provisioning repository for MIDP 2.0 bundles, using a variety of search criteria.

You can specify an application name or vendor name, or you can specify one or more keywords that can be used to search the provisioning repository. Keywords correspond to a list of bundle requirements that are defined for all bundles. For example, Bits Per Pixel or Screen Size are common bundle requirements that can be used as keywords.

The Search for Bundles panel contains the following items:

Note –

The Match All and Match Any radio buttons are binary selections. That is, you can choose to search using one selection or the other, but not both.

When you have finished setting up your search criteria, click the Submit Query button to begin your search. The results appear in the Search Results panel.