Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Administration Guide

Creating Users for the Enterprise Tier

To create a user for the Enterprise tier, use the Account Data panel of the Create User sub-tab to map a user on the Gateway tier to a user for the Enterprise Connector on the Enterprise tier, which may be mapped to the account for a specific EIS/EAI system or database.

You should create the users on the Enterprise tier before you create the users on the Gateway tier. When you create a user on the Gateway tier, if a mapping exists for that user on the Enterprise tier, the specified credentials are verified against the EIS/EAI system or database.

ProcedureTo Create a User for the Enterprise Tier

Follow these steps to map a Gateway tier user to an Enterprise Tier user.

  1. Click the Create User sub-tab.

  2. In the Gateway Username field, type the user name specified on the Gateway system.

    This is the value specified in the Username column on the Gateway system.

  3. In the Enterprise Connector Username field, type the user name for the Enterprise Connector.

  4. In the Enterprise Connector Password field, type the password for the Enterprise Connector.

  5. Click Register to create the user.