Services Tools Bundle OpenSolaris Installation Guide

Chapter 2 Installing OpenSolaris

When you install OpenSolaris you can set up the Depot Server on the localhost or on a remote host server. This chapter explains both procedures:

Setting Up the Depot Server on the localhost

Complete the following steps to setup the Depot server on the localhost.

ProcedureTo setup the Depot server on the localhost

Before You Begin

You must ensure that you have sufficient privileges to install, remove applications and administer services (SMF) on the host you wish to install explorer.

  1. Run the STB installer script for OpenSolaris on your localhost to set it up as the default Depot server for the Explorer installation.

    The following information is displayed:

    bash-3.2# pfexec ./
    Services Tools Bundle(STB) v5.2 Installer

    A list of available components for installation in this bundle of STB is displayed. (Currently, only Explorer is part of STB for OpenSolaris.)

    List of Components and Corresponding Selection
    1. Install Explorer v6.3 ? (y/n) y
    Explorer details can be found at <>
  2. When you are prompted for the choice for installing the components, choose y to continue with the installation.

    STB provides you the option of proceeding with the installation or exiting:

    Would you like to (I)nstall component selections, or (E)xit ? I(default)
  3. To continue with the installation, type: I

    The following information is displayed:

    STB is installing all selected modules and their dependencies.
    Details of this will be in /var/log/install_stb-v5.2.log
    Please wait.....
    Installing Sun(TM) Explorer Data Collector .....

    Preferred authority is detected from the pkg publisher list. This is taken as the default publisher for publishing explorer packages.

    Note –

    Before proceeding further, you must ensure that you have ssh login access to this publisher with sufficient privileges to configure and start pkg service on this host

    To know more about publisher, refer to the pkg man page or refer the documentation as mentioned above.

    The following is displayed:

    Your preferred depot server is
    You may need to have sufficient privilege to install explorer on this server.
    Use it for explorer Installation? (Y/N)(default:y)? [y,n,?] n
  4. To publish the packages to the preferred publisher, type: y. Else choose n.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter server url to publish packages 
    (Example http://myhostname.domain default: http://localhost):
  5. To accept the default choice of http://localhost, type: y

    The authority setup requires a few user configurable parameters like Port number and directory path.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter the Port number to connect to server 
    Refreshing the package catalogs..
  6. Enter the port at which the connection to depot server would be established.

    The default port here is 10000.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter the directory to push packages in server 
    ( default /var/pkg/repo): /usr/pkg/repo
  7. Enter the repository path for the authority, where the package will be deployed.

    The default value is /var/pkg/repo

    STB tries to update the package catalogs from this authority. If the refresh is successful, it proceeds to publish the explorer packages into this authority. If not, its possible that the corresponding http service on this authority has been disabled. Hence, STB tries to restart it after reaffirming with you about the authority settings once more.

    The following information is displayed:

    Refreshing the package catalogs..
    Pkg service seems to be disabled in http://localhost. Trying to restart the service..
    Please enter the directory to push packages in server ( default /usr/pkg/repo):
    Refreshing the package catalogs..

    After starting up the http service, STB publishes the packages into the authority. Once the package is successfully published, it proceeds to install the packages into the client box.

    Note –

    Do not worry about the warning node name or service name not known. This error message is displayed if your client host is not able to reach, which generally is the case for hosts which cannot access the Internet.

    The installation continues and the following information is displayed:

    Pushing SUNWexplo to http://localhost
    Ready to install SUNWexplo
    Refreshing the package catalogs..
    pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated: node name or service name not known
    Completed 1/1 164/164 24.97/24.97
    Install Phase 189/189
    Refreshing the package catalogs..
    Pushing SUNWexplu to http://localhost
    Ready to install SUNWexplu
    Refreshing the package catalogs..
    pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated: node name or service name not known
    Completed 1/1 20/20 0.01/0.01
    Install Phase 29/29
    Installation of Sun(TM) Explorer Data Collector <6.2> was successful
    STB v5.2 installation is complete...

Setting Up the Depot Server on a Remote Host

To set up the Depot server on a remote host, complete the following steps:

ProcedureTo set up the Depot server on a remote host

  1. Run the STB installer script for OpenSolaris on any host where you have sufficient privileges to install, remove applications and administer services (SMF).

    The following information is displayed:

    bash-3.2# pfexec ./
    Services Tools Bundle(STB) v5.2 Installer

    The list of available components for installation in this bundle of STB is displayed. (Currently, only Explorer is part of STB for OpenSolaris. You are prompted for the choice for installing the components.)

    List of Components and Corresponding Selection
    1. Install Explorer v6.3 ? (y/n) y
  2. When you are prompted for the choice for installing the components, choose y to continue with the installation.

    STB provides you the option of proceeding with the installation or exiting.

    The following information is displayed:

    Would you like to (I)nstall component selections, or (E)xit ? I(default)
  3. To continue with the installation, type: I

    The following information is displayed:

    STB is installing all selected modules and their dependencies.
    Details of this will be in /var/log/install_stb-v5.2.log
    Please wait.....
    Installing Sun(TM) Explorer Data Collector .....

    Preferred authority is detected from the pkg publisher list. This is taken as the default publisher for publishing Explorer packages.

    Note –

    Before proceeding further, you must ensure that you have ssh login access to this publisher with sufficient privileges to configure and start pkg service on this host

    The following information is displayed:

    Your preferred depot server is
    You need to have sufficient privilege to install explorer on this server.
    Use it for explorer Installation? (Y/N)(default:y)? [y,n,?] n
  4. To choose your own authority, type: N

    Do not accept the default host. By typing N, you can set your remote host as your authority for publishing Explorer package. Before proceeding further, you must ensure that you have sufficient privilege to configure and start pkg service on the remote host.

    Note –

    To know more about authority, refer to the pkg man page or refer the documentation as mentioned above.

    The authority setup requires a few user configurable parameters like directory path and Port number.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter server url to publish packages 
    (Example http://myhostname.domain default: http://localhost):
  5. Type the URL of your remote OpenSolaris host.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter the Port number to connect to server (default:10000):
    Refreshing the package catalogs..
  6. Enter the Port number of your remote OpenSolaris host.

    If the corresponding http service is disabled on the remote host, STB will attempt to start it.

    The following information is displayed:

    Pkg service seems to be disabled in 
    http://opensolaris1.mydomain:12000/. Trying to 
    restart the service..
    Please enter the directory to push packages in server 
    ( default /var/pkg/repo): /usr/pkgs

    Before starting the service on the remote host, SSH login to remote host will be prompted.

  7. Enter the login credentials for making a ssh connection to the remote host.

    The following information is displayed:

    Please enter username for opensolaris1.mydomain (default : root): jack
    Please enter password for jack upon prompt
    The authenticity of host ' opensolaris1.mydomain (' 
    can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is 9a:cb:92:79:25:fd:d0:70:a2:fa:aa:02:92:34:1e:5e.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  8. To continue to connect to the remote server and install the Explorer packages, type: yes

    STB does a disk space check before proceeding with the installation:

    • If the minimum disk space is not available, STB will fail to install and will display the appropriate error log as in the following message:

      bash-3.2# ./
      Services Tools Bundle(STB) v5.2 Installer
      Current available disk space on /tmp : 43412KB may not be enough for STB.
      Please make sure that you have a minimum space of 54272KB
      bash-3.2# df -k /tmp
      Filesystem    kbytes   used     avail   capacity  Mounted on
      swap          2171720  2127564  44156   98%        /tmp
    • If there is sufficient space, the installation continues and the following information is displayed:

      Pushing SUNWexplo to http://localhost
      Ready to install SUNWexplo
      Refreshing the package catalogs..
      pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated: node name or service name not known
      Completed 1/1 164/164 24.97/24.97
      Install Phase 189/189
      Refreshing the package catalogs..
      Pushing SUNWexplu to http://localhost
      Ready to install SUNWexplu
      Refreshing the package catalogs..
      pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully updated: node name or service name not known
      Completed 1/1 20/20 0.01/0.01
      Install Phase 29/29
      Installation of Sun(TM) Explorer Data Collector <6.2> was successful
      STB v5.2 installation is complete...