Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

Availability Settings

The EJB Container Availability tab of the Availability Service enables you to change these settings:

HA Persistence Type: Specifies the session persistence and passivation mechanism for SFSBs that have availability enabled. Allowed values are file (the file system), and replicated (memory on other servers). The default value is replicated. For production environments that require session persistence, use replicated.

SFSB Persistence Type: Specifies the passivation mechanism for SFSBs that do not have availability enabled. Allowed values are file (the default) and replicated.

If either Persistence Type is set to file, the EJB container specifies the file system location where the passivated session bean state is stored. Checkpointing to the file system is useful for testing but is not for production environments. For information about configuring store properties, see the Admin Console online help.

HA persistence enables a cluster of server instances to recover the SFSB state if any server instance fails. The HA store is also used as the passivation and activation store. Use this option in a production environment that requires SFSB state persistence.