Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide


Communications Server uses a randomization and round-robin algorithm for RMI-IIOP load balancing and failover.

When an RMI-IIOP client first creates a new InitialContext object, the list of available Communications Server IIOP endpoints is randomized for that client. For that InitialContext object, the load balancer directs lookup requests and other InitialContext operations to the first endpoint on the randomized list. If the first endpoint is not available then the second endpoint in the list is used, and so on.

Each time the client subsequently creates a new InitialContext object, the endpoint list is rotated so that a different IIOP endpoint is used for InitialContext operations.

When you obtain or create beans from references obtained by an InitialContext object, those beans are created on the Communications Server instance serving the IIOP endpoint assigned to the InitialContext object. The references to those beans contain the IIOP endpoint addresses of all Communications Server instances in the cluster.

The primary endpoint is the bean endpoint corresponding to the InitialContext endpoint used to look up or create the bean. The other IIOP endpoints in the cluster are designated as alternate endpoints. If the bean's primary endpoint becomes unavailable, further requests on that bean fail over to one of the alternate endpoints.

You can configure RMI-IIOP load balancing and failover to work with applications running in the ACC.