Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

Using Netbackup

Note –

This procedure has not been tested by Sun QA.

Use Veritas Netbackup to save an image of each machine. In the case of BPIP backup the four machines with web servers and Application Servers.

For each restored machine use the same configuration as the original, for example the same host name, IP address, and so on.

For file-based products such as Communications Server, backup and restore just the relevant directories. However, for package-based installs such as the web server image, you must backup and restore the entire machine. Packages are installed into the Solaris package database. So, if you only back up the directories and subsequently restore on to a new system, the result will be a "deployed" web server with no knowledge in the package database. This may cause problems with future patching or upgrading.

Do not manually copy and restore the Solaris package database. The other alternative is to backup an image of the machine after the components are installed, for example, web server. Call this the baseline tar file. When you make changes to the web server, back up these directories for example, under /opt/SUNWwbsvr. To restore, start with the baseline tar file and then copy over the web server directories that have been modified. Similarly, you can use this procedure for MQ (package-based install for BPIP). If you upgrade or patch the original machine be sure to create a new baseline tar file.

If the machine with the DAS goes down there will be a time when it is unavailable until you restore it.

The DAS is the central repository. When you restore server instances and restart them they will be synchronized with information from the DAS only. Hence, all changes must be performed via asadmin or Admin Console.