Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Node Agent for a DNS-Reachable Host

The host where the DAS is running must be reachable through DNS in the following situations:

  1. In the create-domain command to create the domain, specify the --domainproperties domain.hostName=das-host-name option.

    das-host-name is the name of the machine where the DAS is running.

  2. In the create-node-agent command to create the node agent, specify the following options:

    • --host das-host-name, where das-host-name is the DAS host name that you specified in Step 1. This option corresponds to the property in the file as-install/nodeagents/nodeagentname/agent/config/

    • --agentproperties remoteclientaddress=node-agent-host-name, where node-agent-host-name is the host name that the DAS uses to connect to the node agent. This option corresponds to the property in the file as-install/nodeagents/nodeagentname/agent/config/

Specifying the Host by Updating the hosts File

Another solution is to update the hosts hostname/IP resolution file specific to the platform so the hostname resolves to the correct IP address. However, when reconnecting using DHCP you might get assigned a different IP address. In that case, you must update the host resolution files on each server.