Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up Converged Load Balancing Using the Admin Console

  1. Create a load balancer.

    On the left frame, click Converged Load Balancers and then click New. In the New Converged Load Balancer page, provide the load balancer name and also select target clusters or instances that will act as load balancers.

    Optionally, you can specify the following settings:

    • Configuration File Name — Specifies the name of the converged load balancer's configuration file. The default path and name of the configuration file is domain-dir/config/cluster-config/converged-loadbalancer.xml.

    • Automatically Apply Changes — Specifies whether to automatically apply configuration changes to the target server instances. This setting is off by default. Set this to true and generate the converged load balancer's configuration file.

    • Self Load Balancing — Specifies whether the target cluster is self-load-balancing. This setting is on by default. For production environments, only self-load-balancing target clusters are supported.

  2. For a load balancer that is not self-load-balancing, add references to clusters or stand-alone server instances for the load balancer to manage.

    On the left frame, click the Converged Load Balancers node and then click the desired load balancer listed under the node. Open the Converged Load Balancer LB Targets tab, click Manage LB Targets and in the Manage LB Targets page, select the required LB targets.

    You may select clusters or stand-alone instances as LB targets. Note that you cannot have a combination of both clusters and stand-alone instances as selected LB targets.

    Note –

    This step is not supported in a production environment.

  3. If the cluster was already started when you created the load balancer, you must restart the cluster to start the load balancer.

See Also

For more information, see the Admin Console online help.