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Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Modular Debugger Overview

2.  Debugger Concepts

3.  MDB Language Syntax




Arithmetic Expansion

Unary Operators

Binary Operators


Shell Escapes


Symbol Name Resolution

Symbol Tables

Symbol Name Scoping

Scoping Within User-Level Applications and Shared Libraries

Object Identifier

Link Map Identifier

Scoping Within the Kernel

Kernel Debug Information

Using the Scoping Operator With a Kernel Module

Dcmd and Walker Name Resolution

Dcmd Pipelines

Formatting Dcmds

4.  Using MDB Commands Interactively

5.  Built-In Commands

6.  Execution Control

7.  Kernel Execution Control

8.  Kernel Debugging Modules

9.  Debugging With the Kernel Memory Allocator

10.  Module Programming API

A.  MDB Options

B.  Notes

C.  Transition From adb and kadb

D.  Transition From crash


Arithmetic Expansion

Arithmetic expansion is performed to determine the value of an expression. MDB commands can be preceded by expressions that represent a start address or a repeat count. Arithmetic expansion can also be performed to compute a numeric argument for a dcmd. An expression can appear in an argument list enclosed in square brackets preceded by a dollar sign ($[expr]). In this case, the expression is replaced by its arithmetic value.

Expressions can contain any of the following special words:


The specified integer value. Integer values can be prefixed with 0i or 0I to indicate binary values, 0o or 0O to indicate octal values, 0t or 0T to indicate decimal values, and 0x or 0X to indicate hexadecimal values (the default).


The specified decimal floating point value, converted to its IEEE double-precision floating point representation.


The integer value computed by converting each character to a byte equal to its ASCII value. Up to eight characters can be specified in a character constant. Characters are packed into the integer in reverse order (right-to-left), beginning at the least significant byte.


The value of the variable named by identifier.


The value of the symbol named by identifier.


The value of expression.


The value of dot.


The most recent value of dot used to execute a dcmd.


The value of dot incremented by the current increment.


The value of dot decremented by the current increment.

The increment is a global variable that stores the total bytes read by the last formatting dcmd. For more information on the increment, refer to the discussion of Formatting Dcmds.

Unary Operators

Unary operators are right associative and have higher precedence than binary operators. The unary operators are:


Logical negation


Bitwise complement


Integer negation


Value of a pointer-sized quantity at the object file location corresponding to virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space


Value of a char-sized, short-sized, int-sized, or long-sized quantity at the object file location corresponding to virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space


Value of a one-byte, two-byte, four-byte, or eight-byte quantity at the object file location corresponding to virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space


Value of a pointer-sized quantity at virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space


Value of a char-sized, short-sized, int-sized, or long-sized quantity at virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space


Value of a one-byte, two-byte, four-byte, or eight-byte quantity at virtual address expression in the target's virtual address space

Binary Operators

Binary operators are left associative and have lower precedence than unary operators. The binary operators, in order of precedence from highest to lowest, are:


Integer multiplication


Integer division


Left-hand side rounded up to next multiple of right-hand side


Integer addition


Integer subtraction


Bitwise shift left


Bitwise shift right


Logical equality


Logical inequality


Bitwise AND


Bitwise exclusive OR


Bitwise inclusive OR