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System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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1.  Managing Terminals, Modems and Serial Port Services (Tasks)

2.  Displaying and Changing System Information (Tasks)

3.  Scheduling System Tasks (Tasks)

4.  Managing System Processes (Tasks)

Managing System Processes (Task Map)

Commands for Managing System Processes

Using the ps Command

Using the /proc File System and Commands

Managing Processes With Process Commands (/proc)

How to List Processes

How to Display Information About Processes

How to Control Processes

Terminating a Process (pkill, kill)

How to Terminate a Process (pkill)

How to Terminate a Process (kill)

Debugging a Process (pargs, preap)

Managing Process Class Information (Task Map)

Managing Process Class Information

Changing the Scheduling Priority of Processes (priocntl)

How to Display Basic Information About Process Classes (priocntl)

How to Display the Global Priority of a Process

How to Designate a Process Priority (priocntl)

How to Change Scheduling Parameters of a Timesharing Process (priocntl)

How to Change the Class of a Process (priocntl)

Changing the Priority of a Timesharing Process (nice)

How to Change the Priority of a Process (nice)

Troubleshooting Problems With System Processes

5.  Monitoring System Performance (Tasks)

6.  Troubleshooting Software Problems (Tasks)

7.  Managing Core Files (Tasks)

8.  Managing System Crash Information (Tasks)

9.  Troubleshooting Miscellaneous System Problems (Tasks)


Commands for Managing System Processes

The following table describes the commands for managing system processes.

Table 4-1 Commands for Managing Processes

Man Page
ps, pgrep, prstat, pkill
Checks the status of active processes on a system, as well as displays detailed information about the processes.
Functions identically to pgrep but finds or signals processes by name or other attribute and terminates the process. Each matching process is signaled as if by the kill command, instead of having its process ID printed.
pargs, preap
Assists with processes debugging.
Lists default process scheduling policies.
Assigns processes to a priority class and manages process priorities.
Changes the priority of a timesharing process.
Binds specific process groups to a group of processors rather than to just a single processor.

Using the ps Command

The ps command enables you to check the status of active processes on a system, as well as display technical information about the processes. This data is useful for administrative tasks, such as determining how to set process priorities.

Depending on which options you use, the ps command reports the following information:

The following table describes some fields that are reported by the ps command. Which fields are displayed depend on which option you choose. For a description of all available options, see the ps(1) man page.

Table 4-2 Summary of Fields in ps Reports

The effective user ID of the process's owner.
The process ID.
The parent process ID.
The processor xutilization for scheduling. This field is not displayed when the -c option is used.
The scheduling class to which the process belongs such as real-time, system, or timesharing. This field is included only with the -c option.
The kernel thread's scheduling priority. Higher numbers indicate a higher priority.
The process's nice number, which contributes to its scheduling priority. Making a process “nicer” means lowering its priority.
The address of the proc structure.
The virtual address size of the process.
The address of an event or lock for which the process is sleeping.
The starting time of the process in hours, minutes, and seconds.
The terminal from which the process, or its parent, was started. A question mark indicates that there is no controlling terminal.
The total amount of CPU time used by the process since it began.
The command that generated the process.

Using the /proc File System and Commands

You can display detailed information about the processes that are listed in the /proc directory by using process commands. The following table lists the /proc process commands. The /proc directory is also known as the process file system (PROCFS). Images of active processes are stored here by their process ID number.

Table 4-3 Process Commands (/proc)

Process Command
Displays process credential information
Reports fstat and fcntl information for open files in a process
Prints /proc tracing flags, pending signals and held signals, and other status information
Lists the dynamic libraries that are linked into a process
Prints the address space map of each process
Lists the signal actions and handlers of each process
Starts each process
Prints a hex+symbolic stack trace for each lwp in each process
Stops each process
Times a process by using microstate accounting
Displays the process trees that contain the process
Displays status information after a process terminates
Displays the current working directory for a process

For more information, see proc(1).

The process tools are similar to some options of the ps command, except that the output that is provided by these commands is more detailed.

In general, the process commands do the following:

Managing Processes With Process Commands (/proc)

You can display detailed, technical information about processes or control active processes by using some of the process commands. Table 4-3 lists some of the /proc commands.

If a process becomes trapped in an endless loop, or if the process takes too long to execute, you might want to stop (kill) the process. For more information about stopping processes using the kill or the pkill command, see Chapter 4, Managing System Processes (Tasks).

The /proc file system is a directory hierarchy that contains additional subdirectories for state information and control functions.

The /proc file system also provides an xwatchpoint facility that is used to remap read-and-write permissions on the individual pages of a process's address space. This facility has no restrictions and is MT-safe.

Debugging tools have been modified to use /proc's xwatchpoint facility, which means that the entire xwatchpoint process is faster.

The following restrictions have been removed when you set xwatchpoints by using the dbx debugging tool:

For more information, see the proc(4), and mdb(1) man pages.

How to List Processes

Example 4-1 Listing Processes

The following example shows output from the ps command when no options are used.

$ ps
  1664 pts/4    0:06 csh
  2081 pts/4    0:00 ps

The following example shows output from the ps -ef command. This output shows that the first process that is executed when the system boots is sched (the swapper) followed by the init process, pageout, and so on.

$ ps -ef
    root     0     0  0   Dec 20 ?        0:17 sched
    root     1     0  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /etc/init -
    root     2     0  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 pageout
    root     3     0  0   Dec 20 ?        4:20 fsflush
    root   374   367  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
    root   367     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
    root   126     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
    root    54     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
    root    59     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/picl/picld
    root   178     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:03 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
    root   129     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/keyserv
    root   213     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/lpsched
    root   154     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s
    root   139     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind ...
    root   191     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd
    root   208     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:02 /usr/sbin/nscd
    root   193     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
    root   174     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/lockd
  daemon   175     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/statd
    root   376     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
    root   226     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/power/powerd
    root   315     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
    root   237     1  0   Dec 20 ?        0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd

How to Display Information About Processes

  1. Obtain the process ID of the process that you want to display more information about.
    # pgrep process

    where process is the name of the process you want to display more information about.

    The process ID is displayed in the first column of the output.

  2. Display the process information that you need.
    # /usr/bin/pcommand pid

    Is the (/proc) command that you want to run. Table 4-3 lists and describes these commands.


    Identifies the process ID.

Example 4-2 Displaying Information About Processes

The following example shows how to use process commands to display more information about a cron process.

# pgrep cron 1
# pwdx 4780 2
4780:   /var/spool/cron/atjobs
# ptree 4780 3
4780  /usr/sbin/cron
# pfiles 4780 4
4780:   /usr/sbin/cron
  Current rlimit: 256 file descriptors
   0: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:290,0 ino:6815752 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,2
   1: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:32,128 ino:42054 uid:0 gid:0 size:9771
   2: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:32,128 ino:42054 uid:0 gid:0 size:9771
   3: S_IFIFO mode:0600 dev:32,128 ino:42049 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
   4: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:293,0 ino:4630 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
   5: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:293,0 ino:4630 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
  1. Obtains the process ID for the cron process

  2. Displays the current working directory for the cron process

  3. Displays the process tree that contains the cron process

  4. Displays fstat and fcntl information

How to Control Processes

  1. Obtain the process ID of the process that you want to control.
    # pgrep process

    where process is the name of the process you want to control.

    The process ID displayed in the first column of the output.

  2. Use the appropriate process command to control the process.
    # /usr/bin/pcommand pid

    Is the process (/proc) command that you want to run. Table 4-3 lists and describes these commands.


    Identifies the process ID.

  3. Verify the process status.
    # ps -ef | grep pid

Terminating a Process (pkill, kill)

Sometimes, you might need to stop (kill) a process. The process might be in an endless loop. Or, you might have started a large job that you want to stop before it is completed. You can kill any process that you own. Superuser can kill any process in the system except for those processes with process IDs of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Killing these processes most likely will crash the system.

For more information, see the pgrep(1) and pkill(1) and kill(1) man pages.

How to Terminate a Process (pkill)

  1. To terminate the process of another user, become root.
  2. Obtain the process ID for the process that you want to terminate.
    $ pgrep process

    where process is the name of the process that you want to terminate.

    For example:

    $ pgrep netscape

    The process ID is displayed in the output.

    Note - To obtain process information about a Sun Ray, use the following commands:

    # ps -fu user

    This command lists all user processes.

    # ps -fu user | grep process

    This command locates a specific process for a user.

  3. Terminate the process.
    $ pkill [signal] process

    When no signal is included in the pkill command-line syntax, the default signal that is used is –15 (SIGKILL). Using the –9 signal (SIGTERM) with the pkill command ensures that the process terminates promptly. However, the –9 signal should not be used to kill certain processes, such as a database process, or an LDAP server process. The result is that data might be lost.


    Is the name of the process to stop.

    Tip - When using the pkill command to terminate a process, first try using the command by itself, without including a signal option. Wait a few minutes to see if the process terminates before using the pkill command with the -9 signal.

  4. Verify that the process has been terminated.
    $ pgrep process

    The process you terminated should no longer be listed in the output of the pgrep command.

How to Terminate a Process (kill)

  1. To terminate the process of another user, become root.
  2. Obtain the process ID of the process that you want to terminate.
    # ps -fu user

    where user is the user that you want to display processes for.

    The process ID is displayed in the first column of the output.

  3. Terminate the process.
    # kill [signal-number] pid

    When no signal is included in the kill command-line syntax, the default signal that is used is –15 (SIGKILL). Using the –9 signal (SIGTERM) with the kill command ensures that the process terminates promptly. However, the –9 signal should not be used to kill certain processes, such as a database process, or an LDAP server process. The result is that data might be lost.


    Is the process ID of the process that you want to terminate.

    Tip - When using the kill command to stop a process, first try using the command by itself, without including a signal option. Wait a few minutes to see if the process terminates before using the kill command with the -9 signal.

  4. Verify that the process has been terminated.
    $ pgrep pid

    The process you terminated should no longer be listed in the output of the pgrep command.

Debugging a Process (pargs, preap)

The pargs command and the preap command improve process debugging. The pargs command prints the arguments and environment variables that are associated with a live process or core file. The preap command removes defunct (zombie) processes. A zombie process has not yet had its exit status claimed by its parent. These processes are generally harmless but can consume system resources if they are numerous. You can use the pargs and preap commands to examine any process that you have the privileges to examine. As superuser, you can examine any process.

For information about using the preap command, see the preap(1) man page. For information about the using the pargs command, see the pargs(1) man page. See also, the proc(1) man page.

Example 4-3 Debugging a Process (pargs)

The pargs command solves a long-standing problem of being unable to display with the ps command all the arguments that are passed to a process. The following example shows how to use the pargs command in combination with the pgrep command to display the arguments that are passed to a process.

# pargs `pgrep ttymon`
579:    /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -h -p system-name console login:  
-T sun -d /dev/console -l 
argv[0]: /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
argv[1]: -g
argv[2]: -h
argv[3]: -p
argv[4]: system-name console login: 
argv[5]: -T
argv[6]: sun
argv[7]: -d
argv[8]: /dev/console
argv[9]: -l
argv[10]: console
argv[11]: -m
argv[12]: ldterm,ttcompat
548:    /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
argv[0]: /usr/lib/saf/ttymon

The following example shows how to use the pargs -e command to display the environment variables that are associated with a process.

$ pargs -e 6763
6763: tcsh
envp[0]: DISPLAY=:0.0