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System Administration Guide: IP Services     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I TCP/IP Administration

1.  Planning an IPv4 Addressing Scheme (Tasks)

2.  Planning an IPv6 Addressing Scheme (Overview)

3.  Planning an IPv6 Network (Tasks)

4.  Configuring TCP/IP Network Services and IPv4 Addressing (Tasks)

Before You Configure an IPv4 Network (Task Map)

Determining Host Configuration Modes

Systems That Should Run in Local Files Mode

Network Configuration Servers

Systems That Are Network Clients

Mixed Configurations

IPv4 Network Topology Scenario

Adding a Subnet to a Network (Task Map)

Network Configuration Task Map

Configuring Systems on the Local Network

How to Configure a Host for Local Files Mode

How to Set Up a Network Configuration Server

Configuring Network Clients

How to Configure Hosts for Network Client Mode

How to Change the IPv4 Address and Other Network Configuration Parameters

Packet Forwarding and Routing on IPv4 Networks

Routing Protocols Supported by Oracle Solaris

IPv4 Autonomous System Topology

Configuring an IPv4 Router

How to Configure an IPv4 Router

Routing Tables and Routing Types

Configuring Routes

Configuring Multihomed Hosts

How to Create a Multihomed Host

Configuring Routing for Single-Interface Systems

How to Enable Static Routing on a Single-Interface Host

How to Enable Dynamic Routing on a Single-Interface Host

Monitoring and Modifying Transport Layer Services

How to Log the IP Addresses of All Incoming TCP Connections

How to Add Services That Use the SCTP Protocol

How to Use TCP Wrappers to Control Access to TCP Services

5.  Enabling IPv6 on a Network (Tasks)

6.  Administering a TCP/IP Network (Tasks)

7.  Configuring IP Tunnels

8.  Troubleshooting Network Problems (Tasks)

9.  TCP/IP and IPv4 in Depth (Reference)

10.  IPv6 in Depth (Reference)


11.  About DHCP (Overview)

12.  Planning for DHCP Service (Tasks)

13.  Configuring the DHCP Service (Tasks)

14.  Administering DHCP (Tasks)

15.  Configuring and Administering the DHCP Client

16.  Troubleshooting DHCP (Reference)

17.  DHCP Commands and Files (Reference)

Part III IP Security

18.  IP Security Architecture (Overview)

19.  Configuring IPsec (Tasks)

20.  IP Security Architecture (Reference)

21.  Internet Key Exchange (Overview)

22.  Configuring IKE (Tasks)

23.  Internet Key Exchange (Reference)

24.  IP Filter in Oracle Solaris (Overview)

25.   IP Filter (Tasks)

Part IV Networking Performance

26.  Integrated Load Balancer Overview

27.  Configuration of Integrated Load Balancer Tasks

28.  Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Overview)

29.  VRRP Configuration (Tasks)

30.  Implementing Congestion Control

Part V IP Quality of Service (IPQoS)

31.  Introducing IPQoS (Overview)

32.  Planning for an IPQoS-Enabled Network (Tasks)

33.  Creating the IPQoS Configuration File (Tasks)

34.  Starting and Maintaining IPQoS (Tasks)

35.  Using Flow Accounting and Statistics Gathering (Tasks)

36.  IPQoS in Detail (Reference)



Configuring Systems on the Local Network

Network software installation occurs along with the installation of the operating system software. At that time, certain IP configuration parameters must be stored in appropriate files so that they can be read at boot time.

The network configuration process involves creating or editing the network configuration files. How configuration information is made available to a system's kernel is conditional. The availability depends on whether these files are stored locally (local files mode) or acquired from the network configuration server (network client mode).

The parameters that are supplied during network configuration follow:

If the Oracle Solaris installation program detects more than one interface on the system, you can optionally configure the additional interfaces during installation. For complete instructions, see Getting Started With Oracle Solaris 11 Express.

This chapter contains information on creating and editing local configuration files. See System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) for information on working with name service databases.

How to Configure a Host for Local Files Mode

Use this procedure for configuring TCP/IP on a host that runs in local files mode.

For steps for manually configuring interfaces in Oracle Solaris, refer to How to Configure an IP Interface in System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization.

  1. Change to the /etc directory.
  2. Verify that the correct host name is set in the /etc/nodename file.

    When you specify the host name of a system during Oracle Solaris installation, that host name is entered into the /etc/nodename file. Make sure that the node name entry is the correct host name for the system.

  3. Verify that the entries in the /etc/inet/hosts file are current.

    The Oracle Solaris installation program creates entries for the primary network interface, loopback address, and, if applicable, any additional interfaces that were configured during installation.

    1. Make sure that the existing entries in /etc/inet/hosts are current.
    2. (Optional) Add the IP addresses and corresponding names for any network interfaces that were added to the local host after installation.
    3. (Optional) Add the IP address or addresses of the file server, if the /usr file system is NFS mounted.
  4. Type the host's fully qualified domain name in the /etc/defaultdomain file.

    For example, suppose host tenere was part of the domain Therefore, you would type in /etc/defaultdomain. See /etc/defaultdomain File for more information.

  5. Type the router's name in the /etc/defaultrouter file.

    See /etc/defaultrouter File for information about this file.

  6. Type the name of the default router and its IP addresses in the /etc/inet/hosts file.

    Additional routing options are available, as discussed in How to Configure Hosts for Network Client Mode. You can apply these options to a local files mode configuration.

  7. Add the network mask for your network, if applicable:
    • If the host gets its IP address from a DHCP server, you do not have to specify the network mask.

    • If you have set up a NIS server on the same network as this client, you can add netmask information into the appropriate database on the server.

    • For all other conditions, do the following:

    1. Type the network number and the netmask in the /etc/inet/netmasks file.

      Use the following format:

      network-number netmask

      For example, for the Class C network number 192.168.83, you would type:

      For CIDR addresses, convert the network prefix into the equivalent dotted decimal representation. Network prefixes and their dotted decimal equivalents can be found in Table 1-3. For example, use the following to express the CIDR network prefix
    2. Change the lookup order for netmasks in /etc/nsswitch.conf, so that local files are searched first:
      netmasks:   files nis
  8. Reboot the system.

How to Set Up a Network Configuration Server

Information for setting up installation servers and boot servers is found in Getting Started With Oracle Solaris 11 Express.

  1. Change to the root (/) directory of the prospective network configuration server.
  2. Turn on the in.tftpd daemon by creating the directory /tftpboot:
    # mkdir /tftpboot

    This command configures the system as a TFTP, bootparams, and RARP server.

  3. Create a symbolic link to the directory.
    # ln -s /tftpboot/. /tftpboot/tftpboot
  4. Enable the tftp line in the /etc/inetd.conf file.

    Check that the entry reads as follows:

    tftp dgram udp6 wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot

    This line prevents in.tftpd from retrieving any file other than the files that are located in /tftpboot.

  5. Edit the hosts database.

    Add the host names and IP addresses for every client on the network.

  6. Edit the ethers database.

    Create entries for every host on the network that runs in network client mode.

  7. Edit the bootparams database.

    See bootparams Database. Use the wildcard entry or create an entry for every host that runs in network client mode.

  8. Convert the /etc/inetd.conf entry into a Service Management Facility (SMF) service manifest, and enable the resulting service:
    # /usr/sbin/inetconv
  9. Verify that in.tftpd is working correctly.
    # svcs network/tftp/udp6

    You should receive output resembling the following:

    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         18:22:21 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default
Administering the in.tftpd Daemon

The in.tftpd daemon is managed by the Service Management Facility. Administrative actions on in.tftpd, such as enabling, disabling, or restarting, can be performed using the svcadm command. Responsibility for initiating and restarting this service is delegated to inetd. Use the inetadm command to make configuration changes and to view configuration information for in.tftpd. You can query the service's status by using the svcs command. For an overview of the Service Management Facility, refer to Chapter 11, Managing Services (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

Configuring Network Clients

Network clients receive their configuration information from network configuration servers. Therefore, before you configure a host as a network client you must ensure that at least one network configuration server is set up for the network.

How to Configure Hosts for Network Client Mode

Do the following procedure on each host to be configured in network client mode.

  1. Ensure that the /etc/inet/hosts file contains only the localhost name and IP address of the loopback network interface.
    # cat /etc/inet/hosts
    # Internet host table
    #       localhost

    The IPv4 loopback interface has the IP address

    For more information, see Loopback Address. The file should not contain the IP address and host name for the local host (primary network interface).

  2. Check for the existence of an /etc/defaultdomain file.

    If such a file exists, delete it.

    The hostconfig program automatically sets the domain name. To override the domain name that is set by hostconfig, type the substitute domain name in the /etc/defaultdomain file.

  3. Ensure that the search paths in the client's /etc/nsswitch.conf file reflect the name service requirements for your network.

How to Change the IPv4 Address and Other Network Configuration Parameters

This procedure explains how to modify the IPv4 address, host name, and other network parameters on a previously installed system. Use the procedure for modifying the IP address of a server or networked standalone system. The procedure does not apply to network clients or appliances. The steps create a configuration that persists across reboots.

Note - The instructions apply specifically to changing the IPv4 address of the primary network interface. To add another interface to the system, refer to How to Configure an IP Interface in System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization.

In almost all cases, the following steps use traditional IPv4 dotted decimal notation to specify the IPv4 address and subnet mask. Alternatively, you can use CIDR notation to specify the IPv4 address in all the applicable files in this procedure. For an introduction to CIDR notation, see IPv4 Addresses in CIDR Format.

  1. If the system's host name must change, modify the host name entry by using the svccfg command, as follows:.
    # svccfg -s svc:/system/identity:node setprop config/nodename = astring: hostname
  2. Modify the IP address and, if applicable, the host name in the /etc/inet/hosts file or equivalent hosts database.
  3. Modify the IP address by using the ipadm command.
    # ipadm 
  4. If the subnet mask has changed, modify the subnet entries in the following files:
    • /etc/netmasks

    • (Optional) /etc/hostname.interface

  5. If the subnet address has changed, change the IP address of the default router in /etc/defaultrouter to that of the new subnet's default router.
  6. Reboot the system.
    # reboot -- -r

Example 4-1 Changing the IP Address and Host Name

This example shows how to change a host's name, IP address of the primary network interface, and subnet mask. The IP address for the primary network interface bge0 changes from to

# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4       static   ok
bge0/v4      static   ok

# ipadm create-addr -T static -a bge0/v4new
# svccfg -s svc:/system/identity:node setprop config/nodename = astring: mynewhostname

# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4          static   ok
bge0/v4new      static   ok

# hostname
See Also

To change the IP address of an interface other than the primary network interface, refer to System Administration Guide: Basic Administration and How to Configure an IP Interface in System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization.