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System Administration Guide: IP Services     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I TCP/IP Administration

1.  Planning an IPv4 Addressing Scheme (Tasks)

2.  Planning an IPv6 Addressing Scheme (Overview)

3.  Planning an IPv6 Network (Tasks)

IPv6 Planning (Task Maps)

IPv6 Network Topology Scenario

Preparing the Existing Network to Support IPv6

Preparing the Network Topology for IPv6 Support

Preparing Network Services for IPv6 Support

Preparing Servers for IPv6 Support

How to Prepare Network Services for IPv6 Support

How to Prepare DNS for IPv6 Support

Planning for Tunnels in the Network Topology

Security Considerations for the IPv6 Implementation

Preparing an IPv6 Addressing Plan

Obtaining a Site Prefix

Creating the IPv6 Numbering Scheme

Creating a Numbering Scheme for Subnets

Creating an IPv6 Addressing Plan for Nodes

4.  Configuring TCP/IP Network Services and IPv4 Addressing (Tasks)

5.  Enabling IPv6 on a Network (Tasks)

6.  Administering a TCP/IP Network (Tasks)

7.  Configuring IP Tunnels

8.  Troubleshooting Network Problems (Tasks)

9.  TCP/IP and IPv4 in Depth (Reference)

10.  IPv6 in Depth (Reference)


11.  About DHCP (Overview)

12.  Planning for DHCP Service (Tasks)

13.  Configuring the DHCP Service (Tasks)

14.  Administering DHCP (Tasks)

15.  Configuring and Administering the DHCP Client

16.  Troubleshooting DHCP (Reference)

17.  DHCP Commands and Files (Reference)

Part III IP Security

18.  IP Security Architecture (Overview)

19.  Configuring IPsec (Tasks)

20.  IP Security Architecture (Reference)

21.  Internet Key Exchange (Overview)

22.  Configuring IKE (Tasks)

23.  Internet Key Exchange (Reference)

24.  IP Filter in Oracle Solaris (Overview)

25.   IP Filter (Tasks)

Part IV Networking Performance

26.  Integrated Load Balancer Overview

27.  Configuration of Integrated Load Balancer Tasks

28.  Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Overview)

29.  VRRP Configuration (Tasks)

30.  Implementing Congestion Control

Part V IP Quality of Service (IPQoS)

31.  Introducing IPQoS (Overview)

32.  Planning for an IPQoS-Enabled Network (Tasks)

33.  Creating the IPQoS Configuration File (Tasks)

34.  Starting and Maintaining IPQoS (Tasks)

35.  Using Flow Accounting and Statistics Gathering (Tasks)

36.  IPQoS in Detail (Reference)



IPv6 Planning (Task Maps)

Complete the tasks in the next task map in sequential order to accomplish the planning tasks necessary for IPv6 deployment.

The following table lists different tasks for configuring the IPv6 network. The table includes a description of what each task accomplishes and the section in the current documentation where the specific steps to perform the task are detailed.

For Instructions
1. Prepare your hardware to support IPv6.
Ensure that your hardware can be upgraded to IPv6.
2. Get an ISP that supports IPv6.
Ensure that your current ISP supports IPv6. Otherwise, find an ISP who can support IPv6. You can use two ISPs, one ISP for IPv6 and one for ISP IPv4 communications.
3. Ensure that your applications are IPv6 ready.
Verify that your applications can run in an IPv6 environment.
4. Get a site prefix.
Obtain a 48-bit site prefix for your site from your ISP or from the nearest RIR.
5. Create a subnet addressing plan.
You need to plan the overall IPv6 network topology and addressing scheme before you can configure IPv6 on the various nodes in your network.
6. Design a plan for tunnel usage.
Determine which routers should run tunnels to other subnets or external networks.
7. Create an addressing plan for entities on the network.
Your plan for addressing servers, routers, and hosts should be in place before IPv6 configuration.
8. Develop an IPv6 security policy.
Investigate IP Filter, IP security architecture (IPsec), Internet Key Exchange (IKE), and other Oracle Solaris security features as you develop an IPv6 security policy.
9. (Optional) Set up a DMZ.
For security purposes, you need an addressing plan for the DMZ and its entities before you configure IPv6.
10. Enable the nodes to support IPv6.
Configure IPv6 on all routers and hosts.
11. Turn on network services.
Make sure that existing servers can support IPv6.
12. Update name servers for IPv6 support.
Make sure that DNS, NIS, and LDAP servers are updated with the new IPv6 addresses.