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System Administration Guide: Network Services     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I Network Services Topics

1.  Network Service (Overview)

2.  Managing Web Cache Servers

3.  Time-Related Services

Part II Accessing Network File Systems Topics

4.  Managing Network File Systems (Overview)

5.  Network File System Administration (Tasks)

6.  Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)

Part III SLP Topics

7.  SLP (Overview)

8.  Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks)

9.  Administering SLP (Tasks)

10.  Incorporating Legacy Services

11.  SLP (Reference)

Part IV Mail Services Topics

12.  Mail Services (Overview)

13.  Mail Services (Tasks)

14.  Mail Services (Reference)

Part V Serial Networking Topics

15.  Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)

16.  Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)

Overall PPP Planning (Task Map)

Planning a Dial-up PPP Link

Before You Set Up the Dial-out Machine

Before You Set Up the Dial-in Server

Example of a Configuration for Dial-up PPP

Where to Go for More Information About Dial-up PPP

Planning a Leased-Line Link

Before You Set Up the Leased-Line Link

Hardware That Is Needed for a Leased-Line Link

Information to Be Gathered for the Leased-Line Link

Example of a Configuration for a Leased-Line Link

Where to Go for More Information About Leased Lines

Planning for Authentication on a Link

Before You Set Up PPP Authentication

Examples of PPP Authentication Configurations

Example of a Configuration Using PAP Authentication

Example of a Configuration Using CHAP Authentication

Where to Go for More Information About Authentication

Planning for DSL Support Over a PPPoE Tunnel

Before You Set Up a PPPoE Tunnel

Before Configuring a PPPoE Client

Before Configuring a PPPoE Server

Example of a Configuration for a PPPoE Tunnel

Example of a PPPoE Client Configuration

Example of a PPPoE Server Configuration

Where to Get More Information About PPPoE

17.  Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)

18.  Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)

19.  Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)

20.  Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)

21.  Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)

22.  Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)

23.  Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)

24.  UUCP (Overview)

25.  Administering UUCP (Tasks)

26.  UUCP (Reference)

Part VI Working With Remote Systems Topics

27.  Working With Remote Systems (Overview)

28.  Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

29.  Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)

Part VII Monitoring Network Services Topics

30.  Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)



Overall PPP Planning (Task Map)

PPP requires planning tasks before you actually can set up the link. Moreover, if you want to use a PPPoE tunneling, you first have to set up the PPP link and then provide tunneling. The following task map lists the large planning tasks that are discussed in this chapter. You might need to use only the general task for the link type to be configured. Or you might require the task for the link, authentication, and perhaps PPPoE.

Table 16-1 Task Map for PPP Planning

For Instructions
Plan for a dial-up PPP link
Gather information that is required to set up a dial-out machine or a dial-in server
Plan for a leased-line link
Gather information that is required to set up a client on a leased line
Plan for authentication on the PPP link
Gather information that is required to configure PAP or CHAP authentication on the PPP link
Plan for a PPPoE tunnel
Gather information that is required to set up a PPPoE tunnel over which a PPP link can run